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Chapter 2: Unforeseen Changes

"What do you think about our new sensei?" asked a red-haired boy as he slipped off his uniform.

"I thought this was the time when we were supposed to have our orientation! Now how will I be able to find the cafeteria!? This school is huge!" whined a yellow-haired boy with a black highlight in his hair.

"Less talking and more changing! We mustn't be late to our first training exercise!" Iida was already in full gym uniform in a matter of seconds.

"You don't have to be so uptight all the time man. You need to loosen up. What's your guys' names? I'm Ejiro Kirishima!" announced the red-haired boy with a friendly smile.

"Name's Denki Kaminari." replied the yellow haired boy. "What about you? The angry one." Denki motioned to Katsuki.

"HUH? You wanna die, extra!?" exploded Katsuki.

"Chill man, we've known you for five minutes and already don't like you." replied Denki sassily. "I'm going to get going since I'm done changing."

"Same." replied Ejiro. "See you guys on the blacktop."

Katsuki clicked his tongue, looking up to see the white-haired boy. "Oi. You, with the white hair."

He turned around. His torso was littered with scars. How could anyone have this many marks on their body?

"What's your quirk?"

"And what makes you think I want to speak to you?"

"Don't act so untouchable, damn extra!" Katsuki lunged at the boy, now thoroughly pissed off. His arms were held back by Iida.

"Both of you! Finish changing! No violence allowed!" Iida's booming, annoying voice was right, no matter how much Katsuki wanted to fight this kid.

And another reason why it couldn't be Izuku. Izuku was a boy who always did what was asked of him. He always kept a smile no matter the pain Katsuki and his friends gave him. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why Katsuki was so intimidated by Izuku. His heart was so pure.

Katsuki would never say it to his face, but Izuku had the heart of a hero.

This boy didn't.

"Katsuki Bakugou. You scored first in the practical exams. What was your ball throw distance in junior high?"

"67 meters." replied Katsuki.

The other students stood in awe at the new information that Katsuki Bakugou placed first in the exams. The three boys from the locker room had underestimated his power.

"Alright. Now throw this tennis ball, but using your quirk."

Katsuki was tossed a small green tennis ball. He eyed it for a second, before looking back at his classmates.

I'll put a little extra power in this to blow them all away. Especially the white-hair idiot.

Katsuki smirked a bit, his confidence rising significantly. He got into stance, before sending the tennis ball shooting through the air with a concentrated blast.

The class went dead silent, probably from shock.

"705.2 meters." read Aizawa, clicking the watch. "This is going to be our exercise for today class."

"Do we get to use our quirks for every challenge?" asked Denki. "Awesome!"

The tired eyes of their Sensei widened a bit. "Awesome, is it? Ok, so let's add another thing. Who ever comes in last will be expelled immediately." Aizawa's grin spread over his face almost wickedly.

"What? But we just got here! You can't do that!"

Other complaints came from students. The white-haired kid then spoke. "What? Are you all so confident that you'll fail? Why did any of you come to this school if you aren't confident in your abilities?"

Another boy, with a red burn scar over his left eye spoke in response. "What makes you so confident in your own abilities? It seems that defeating a zero-pointer robot has made you cocky."

Katsuki knit his eyebrows. So he does have a quirk.

"Todoroki Shoto, is it? You're one of the recommended students this year. I don't want to hear anything about cockiness from you of all people." The white-haired kid tilted his head in Todoroki's direction.

Shoto grit his teeth. "You know nothing of me."

"Both of you, stop arguing."Aizawa pointed to the track, having obviously had his fill. "Line up. We'll start with your running speed with a 50-meter dash. Some quirks will be better at this than others. It'll be like that for most of the challenges."

Iida's engine boosters on his legs gave him the speed to place first in that category. When it was Katsuki's turn, he used explosions to propel his body through the air. He got a fairly good score of 5 seconds.

When the white-haired boy was up to run, everyone paid close attention. He had done a good job of getting everyone in the class to basically hate him already. Katsuki didn't hear what his name was, due to exhaustion.

And with the blow of a whistle, he ran at a surprisingly fast speed, clocking in at 6.5 seconds.

The next test was grip strength. Katsuki scored a fairly high score of 76. It was a good score considering his weight and muscle. He was pleased with his score.

"89. Wow.." murmured some kids gathered around. It was the white-haired kid. He scored an 89.

Katsuki clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes.

There were plenty of other tests to check their skills. Katsuki didn't see the white-haired kid use a noticeable quirk at all during any of the exercises, and it was starting to become suspicious. Did he have a super strength quirk? A super ego quirk?

The last test was a ball throw. Katsuki had already done this one, so now he was able to fully pay attention to everyone else's throws.

"Alright. Midoriya Kioku."

Katsuki's breath hitched.

Midoriya. Midoriya Kioku.

His name wasn't Izuku, it was Kioku. But, he never knew Izuku to have any family members, let alone a family member the same age as him, with the same face.

Kioku walked up in front of his classmates with an unreadable expression.

Everyone must've been expecting something spectacular, because all eyes were on him. When Kioku had the green tennis ball in his hand, Katsuki noticed a distinct burn scar.

"Dude. His hand was covered in blood! When you blew up that dumb notebook of his, you must've gotten his hand!"

"If he tattles, that the end for us. We could get suspended or even expelled! And you may not be able to go to UA!"

Katsuki's eyes widened as his whole body went cold.

When Kioku threw the ball, Aizawa's phone showed a modest 90.4 meters.

"Looks like you really are all talk and no walk." commented Shoto. "Your cockiness was your downfall.

"Midoriya." murmured Aizawa. "Rumor has it that you were the student who took down the obstacle robot in the practicals. Can you tell me what your quirk is?"

Everyone looked at Kioku, waiting for him to give an answer.

"I'm quirkless. I may not have a power like the rest of you, but I could still take most of you down if I tried. If you expel me, fine. But I refuse to be a liability."

Everyone's jaws dropped.

Katsuki took a step back, grasping his chest, feeling his breathing speed up.

Midoriya Izuku isn't dead.

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