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Chapter 39: Riots and Restlessness 

One week later....

"UA Academy! Stop hiding like the cowards you are and face us!"

An angry mob of civilians hung around the gates of UA, each and every one ready to protest against the prestigious academy. This had been going on for quite some time now. With every new day that UA stays quiet, the public gets angrier. 

"You are a bunch of child abusers! How could you not prevent one of your students from being kidnapped?!"

The broadcast made during the Kamino Incident didn't lift anyone's spirits. In fact, it came off as patronizing and superficial to most. Especially after witnessing the billboard incident, lots had begun to refuse to support UA in any way. 

Of course with every controversy, there were people supporting the opposing side. The unpopular hashtag #AntiQuirkless, was filled entirely with anti-quirkless propaganda and hate speech towards the kidnapped student. 

"You are all corrupt!" 


"It's a swarm of discontempt down there..." murmured Cementoss. "We've already taken full responsibility for what happened, yet our efforts are all in vain. The public is demanding to know about your student's connection to All For One, since he specifically targeted him."

Aizawa stared down from the tenth-story window. 

Toshinori sat at the conference table, his face buried in his hands. "If I had been there sooner.."  

Aizawa joined him at the conference table, closing the blinds. 

"Eraser, Is Midoriya keeping up in his classes? Does he show any signs of emotional distress?"

Aizawa begun to stare into space. 


"Give the two of them a break. They've suffered the most out of all the faculty members." Midnight finished her drink, throwing the can away in the trash. "I'm heading home. I'm going to go see my niece's piano recital."

"I'm going home too. It'll be a long week since it's the week before the provisional licensing exam." Two other faculty members packed up and left. 

Present Mic walked towards the exit, glancing back at Aizawa with a somber expression. He turned to make a slow exit. 

Aizawa rested his clasped hands against his forehead, sighing in frustration. "This is a mess."

"Did you hear about the report from Tsukauchi?"

"No. I haven't had the time, nor the energy, to go down to the police station."

Toshinori sighed. "If you want to know the details of the damage and the arrested villains, I can have him send you the report so that you don't have to go downtown."

"Any info on Midoriya that can be disclosed to me?"

Toshinori stared absently at the table. "It's all still fairly nebulous at the moment." He then lowered his head a little. "There were clear signs of physical torture, as well as some sort of personal conflict that perhaps only Young Midoriya would be able to share..."

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