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‼️ This chapter contains mentions of violence 

Chapter 8: USJ

"Hello future heroes! Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, also known as the USJ! It's a secluding training area made specifically for hero course students like you!" A pro hero in a space suit stood next to Aizawa.  

"I will go over a few things before we start. First of all, no hurting your classmates! That's not hero-like and will be punished upon report! The second thing is that there are different simulators for different natural disasters that you will have to pass. The next thing is using your quirks the proper way."

Thirteen stuck out her finger in which the tip was covered by a small metal cap.

"My quirk is incredibly strong. It can suck things up and turn them to particles of dust. It's called Black Hole. But my quirk can very easily be used to kill. If you misuse your quirks, they can also be extremely dangerous. So make sure to be careful during today."

Aizawa opened his mouth to speak, when the sound of wind caused his to turn around. 

Any of the students currently present could see a black swirl open up in the air. No one showed any concern, except for Aizawa, who slid down his goggles. 

"Thirteen, get the students to safety!" 

Everyone stood idle, either in confusion, or excitement.

"Hey look, they even got fake villains! UA really is incredible!" gawked Kaminari, pointing directly at a man with periwinkle-blue hair and a mask, strongly resembling a human hand. 

The next words made everyone's blood run cold. 

"Get away! Those are real villains!" shouted Aizawa, his voice heavy with panic. 

Katsuki grit his teeth. Being a UA student meant being put through trainings to strengthen power and decision making over four years. It wasn't supposed to mean fighting real villains on the second day. 

But nonetheless, his sensei was underestimating his fighting abilities. 

"Pardon our sudden intrusion." bellowed a deep airy voice, coming from the shadowy figure responsible for the portal. "We call ourselves the League Of Villains, and we are specifically looking for a certain person, although by the looks of it, we've come at the wrong time."

Kioku crossed his arms. "And who would that be exactly?"

"Don't speak to them, Midoriya! Everyone get to safety! Thirteen and I can handle these." Aizawa's hair lifted up into the air, as a red glint came off through his goggles. 

"We come here searching for All Might." rasped the periwinkle-haired villain. "We were told he'd be here today."

The shadow villain extended his portal shadow to envelop all of the students. 

"But I guess it won't hurt to kill off a few kids while we're waiting." 

That's when everyone knew that these villains were serious trouble.

Katsuki's first instinct was to stay calm unlike his peers. That all went downhill when him and two other people were dropped down into an unknown location.


"Second day in UA, and we're facing real villains. This isn't manly at all!"

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