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Kioku did get the message, and the first thing he did was head out to the secret hiding spot. He had to make sure Kota was safe. 

Chapter 30: Retrograde I

Katsuki continued running. It was like his body was on autopilot. He was running on pure adrenaline as he scoped the forest for any signs of Kioku. 

His classmates had to wait. He trusted that they could manage themselves. The poisonous fog stayed closer to the back of the forest, but it was spreading quickly. 


"Can-it, Icy-hot!" 

Shoto managed to catch up with the blonde. "Mineta and the others went to find Aizawa! Soon enough, the pros will arrive!"

Katsuki ignored him. 

"Who are you searching for?"

"None of your business, you bastard! Go find our other classmates!" 

Shoto stopped running. "Bakugou, I hear something."

Bakugou stopped running, turning his head back. "Huh?"

A tall, beefy man, approached the two students. His prosthetic eye and his cape were the two most noticeable parts of his appearance. 

"Hmm, you two seem like you'd know who I'm searchin' for."


"Pixie-Bob! Rag-Doll! Alert the pros as soon as possible! Tiger! Get everyone out of the forest as soon as you can!" Aizawa quickly secured the students who failed the midterms in the Faculty Lounge. 

Aizawa had a look of intense anger in his eyes. He closed the door, only to be ambushed immediately. 

"So, you're the Sensei, huh?" Blue flames shot around Aizawa before he had the opportunity to use Erasure. 

Aizawa looked back at the villain behind him. His hair raised above his head as his eyes glowed red. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my students." he seethed. 

The villain smirked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Well then, I'm sure your kids will be fine without a Sensei." The villain crushed the signaling device under his boot. 

"Rag-Doll! Rag-Doll! Why can't I signal to you?!" Mandalay was in the middle of a fight of her own against a lizard-like villain. 

"Sensei!" Iida ran up to Mandalay with his quirk. "Have you gotten any updates from Aizawa?"

Mandalay dodged the villain's knives. "No. Have you been able to scout out any of your classmates?"

"Mandalay! Over here!" Shoji followed behind Iida. Jirou and Ojiro were both unconscious. "We managed to escape the villain causing the fog, thanks to Kaminari." Kaminari appeared behind Ojiro, having short-circuited. 

"Yey~" Kaminari was immediately taken to the Facility along with Shoji, Ojiro, and Jirou. 

Mandalay continued to fight, feeling herself grow tired. 

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