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Week 9

When I told him that I needed him, I wasn't lying-a new year, a new week, and a new touch that I desperately craved.

As I guided his hand, Garrett kept his eyes on my face. It was as though he wanted to see my reaction to his first intimate touch.

I shivered as his skin made contact with my burning wet center. The slick dripping from my hole immediately covered his fingertips as I let him take over the movements of his hand.

I gasped as Garrett made what seemed like hesitant motions through my desirous pussy. He tested the pressure and direction of his fingertips. He focused on my clit and searched my face for cues of his effect on my lust. Garrett was like AI, learning through experience.

His fingertip moved past my clit down to my hole. By now, I was desperate for him. I kissed him as he entered me and sought more of his thick finger. "Daddy," I moaned as I felt his finger rub the frontside of my cunt. "I want you so badly."

"Such a good girl," Garrett said as he added a finger and kissed me. "Fuck daddy's fingers, baby girl."

I did as he instructed. I worked myself over him, but it wasn't enough. My hormones were on overdrive as I ran my fingertips along his jaw and admired his face. They slid up and combed through his curls that were no longer perfectly styled. He looked hungry and just as desperate as I'm sure I did.

It wasn't like with Joel. I wasn't sure why it was different, but I was desperate for this man. "Please. Please fuck me."

"No, baby girl."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Men always said 'yes' to sex.

"Is this part of the deal with Joel? You can kiss and date me but not have sex?" I was still grinding on his hand, hoping an orgasm would remove rejection's sting.

"No, angel. It's me. I want to wait."


"I don't want to rush you or have you regret anything between us. This isn't a game or short-term deal for me. This isn't a one-night stand. I'm going to do it right."

"But, Garrett, I really, really want..."

"Trust me, I know. I think my cock may explode here," Garrett laughed.

"How long? How long do we wait?"

"Not too long, baby. Let's focus on me seeing you cum for the first time, yeah? Let me enjoy that."

Garrett flipped me over in the chair and was between my legs in seconds. His left hand rubbed and slapped my clit as three fingers fucked directly into my G spot. He spit on my clit and increased the tempo of his clitoral assault.

I came so hard that it hurt. The pressure was so great that I squirted on Garrett's face as he watched me unravel. My hands gripped anything they could as I fought to survive the feeling. When I finished, Garrett was carrying me to Joel's room. He tucked me in bed and kissed my forehead.

"Happy New Year, baby girl," he said as he pulled back and ran his thumb under my tired eyes.

"You, too, daddy."


"Stop asking me about it," Joel said as we pulled into my driveway on New Year's day. I have been harassing him about Garrett the entire drive, and he refuses to tell me the deal with him and his dad.

"There is something I need to know! Just tell me!" I whined as I unbuckled. "He is making me wait for our...date. And that in and of itself is weird. I'm seeing you, right? I deserve..."

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