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It was strange to be out in public with Joel again. Although it had only been a week, it seemed like a lifetime ago. He thought I was embarrassed by him. But I was actually embarrassed by myself being with him.

It sounds just as shitty as it is. If Joel were a little older, I would have a neon sign pointing to him and bragging that he was mine. But I was ashamed of myself.

Joel is my weakness in every way. He has broken down every barrier and boundary I had established. He challenged me and made me question most of my decisions. And my heart was so full of him, but that was in private.

"What did my dad say to you?" Joel asked after we sat down at the table. He traced the back of my hand with his fingertip as we read the menu. I tried not to flinch away as I saw a waiter walk by our table.

"Uh, just about talking to Jeff about his comments."

"Oh? You just seemed surprised. And yeah, he told me that he thinks you would be an excellent mom."

"Joel, what did you say to your dad about us?" I recalled Garrett's parting words and reason for my shock. I had to know and I wasn't going to beat around the bush.

"I just told him about our date," Joel said and lift his palm to me. "And before you freak out, he knows about us."

"What do you mean, Joel?" I hissed in a low voice as I moved my hand off the table. I work with the guy for Christ's sake!

"After he was looking for me that day, remember? Anyway, after that, we talked, and I told him I liked you."

"You like me," I repeated while shaking my head. "You told him that you like me. He must think I'm a complete....and then you told him about tonight? About having a date with a thirty-four-year-old neighbor lady?"

"We talk all the time. Look, it's cool. You should get to know him. He's a good guy."

"I'm sure he is just thrilled that you and I are..."

"Dating? Fucking?"

"He knows about that too?! And fuck! We aren't really dating, Joel!"

"Us fucking? Of course. Let's change subjects because I can tell you are unnecessarily worried and saying things you don't mean," Joel said, looking deep into my eyes. "My dad and I have a different relationship. We're open about stuff. Maybe one day we can talk more about it, but tonight I want to enjoy my time with you. Okay?"

"Okay, but I'm drinking tonight."

"Have at it," Joel said, giving me his gorgeous smile.


"Can you believe the CGI when that guy fell from the building? Fucking A!" Joel was still recounting the movie as he pulled into my garage.

I hopped out of the truck and walked inside. I had been mute the entire ride home. I marched around the house like a person on a mission.

"Sadie! Are you mad at me?" Joel called after me as he followed.

"You didn't let me swallow," I closed the door to my bathroom.

Joel laughed. "I just wanted to see it on your tits again."

"It was dark."

"I know, but..."

"You can't just put cum on me anytime you get jealous."

"The guy in front of us asked for your number, and I was just in the bathroom. I..."

"You just can't do that whenever. Plus," I opened the door and pointed to the dried cum between my tits. "I enjoy tasting you," I said with a pout and then shut the door again. God, why do you make me drink so much? I shouldn't be giving blow jobs in the movie theater. Or having these ridiculous arguments.

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