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Week 2

What a terrible idea he had. Ridiculous.

So why was I thinking about it all weekend as I straightened the house? Why did I imagine him between my legs on the bed?

He is a teenager, Sadie!

But Joel was very handsome with his dark chocolate eyes and curly hair. Plus, his build was like a man with broad shoulders, and his height had to be 6'4" - he would tower over my ex-husband, Ryan.

Not to mention, Joel had an Adonis Belt that pointed down to his waist. I noticed that particular feature when his shirt lifted when he reached up to high cabinets. And where that V pointed like an arrow down to his jeans, well, those jeans showcased a very thick...


So when I got home from work on Monday, I was incredibly nervous about turning him down. Again.

But this time, I felt a little less confident in my response. It had been so long...

"Miss Sadie?!" I heard him announce from the front door as he did most days last week.

"Kitchen," I sang as I chopped some cucumbers for a fresh salad.

"What can I help with today?" Joel asked as he grabbed a cucumber slice from the chopping block and popped it into his mouth. "Mm. Good stuff. I noticed your garage could use some organizing..."

"Um, sure. I don't have much out there, so you should be able to make quick work of it," I said as I slapped Joel's hand away from another cucumber slice.

He laughed and then whispered in my ear, "I bet you taste better."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. And Joel was way too fast for my reaction, already out in the garage before my jaw could stop flapping on its henge.

About thirty minutes later, Joel came back inside the house telling me about the work he performed in the garage. He was a very hard worker; I'll give him that. Once he completed his story, I offered him some salad.

"Miss Sadie, do you recall what we spoke about last week? The whole oral sex thing..." Dang! I hoped he had forgotten!

"Yes, Joel, I recall," I said drolly. "But I, uh..."

He was walking a little closer to me and the salad I held. However, it appeared more like a saunter. "Miss Sadie, I think we could both get something out of it," his fingers stroked up my arm as he spoke. "If you can tell me what you like, then perhaps you can..."

"Joel," I said softly. His simple touch made my skin tingle - a tingle that sent sparks to my center.

"Let me lick your pussy, Miss Sadie," he said, his fingers now at the pulse at my wrist. "You need it. You definitely want it. Your heart is beating..."

"Joel," I repeated in a voice that sounded almost resigned. "This isn't right."

"It could feel right," he said, taking off his ball cap and running his hand through his hair. "What's the worse thing that could happen? You don't cum...?"

"That someone finds out," I said.

"No one would ever..." he moved his fingertips to my neck "...find out. Just give me a week. That is all I ask..."

"Okay," I whispered as I watched him throw his hat on the counter. "But no nudity. No lights..."

"I need to see a little...to learn," he smirked.

"Okay, but dim," I conceded. "And no kissing or touching anything but down...there."

"Deal," he agreed. "Bed?

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