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When I woke the next day, it was still dark out. My thigh was hiked up Garrett's hip and my head was on his bare chest. His arm surrounded my shoulders and his chin rested on the top of my head. Under my hand was the smooth skin of his ribcage and his rested on my wrist.

It was odd waking with this man under me, to say the least, especially in my teenage bed. But at the same time, it felt similar and natural. I ran my hand over his ribs and then tried to push off him. But Garrett just held me tighter.

"Gare," I whispered as I tried again. "I have..."

"Shh, sleep, angel," he mumbled. "No work today."

"Mmhm," I hummed into his chest. "But I have to pee."

I giggled as Garrett groaned and relaxed his grip. I padded to the bathroom and came back with a fresh mouth and empty bladder.

I climbed back into bed and watched him sleep for a second. "Nope," Garrett mumbled and pulled me back into his warm chest. Then he positioned me to lay directly on top of him.

I giggled as his arms shrouded my back. "You are very snuggly," I said. I quickly held my tongue comparing him to Joel, even though this was a similar trait.

"You're soft and warm, doll," Garrett spoke into my hair.

My lips were by his shoulder now and the temptation to kiss it was just too great to resist. I felt his chest rumble in appreciation as my lips made contact. I used my finger to wipe the dampness from his skin.

"I want you to come to my place today," Garrett said. "We can celebrate Christmas with Joe and get to know each other more."

He didn't try to confirm, it was just a fact. But I went ahead and agreed. "I'd like that. But, Garrett?"

"Yes, baby girl," he replied. God, I loved when he called me that.

"Is Joel going to be mad? I mean, what will...?"

"What did we discuss last night, angel? Don't worry your pretty little head," Garrett chuckled know I would bristle at that. I gave a slight slap and pulled back to look at his face.


"I promise," Garrett said.


I ran home to get a few things before I went to Garrett's house. Joel and I spoke on my drive home and he told me about his Christmas. Mainly he told me about his concern for my well-being.

Joel wasn't at all troubled about the unprotected sex we had the previous week. He told me that there was nothing to do about it now. His theory was that we both wanted a family, so a child wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

I knew my breath would be wasted on him so I just agreed and hoped that I would get my period by the end of the week.

Garrett's place was much larger than he needed. But I wasn't surprised it was nice. With clients like my firm keeping him busy, he must be making a killing. However, his time must be completely occupied.

Joel met me at the front door. He was in a holiday sweater and wore a huge smile. He almost immediately began kissing me when I walked inside the door.

"Joel," I whispered against his parted lips. "Your dad..."

"Doesn't care," Joel said. "I missed you. Get anything good for Christmas?"

"Nah. Oh, I did get a lawn mower. That was a bitch to get home."

"Yeah, dad said he has it in his truck. Glad he drove that and not the Audi," Joel said, as he walked me toward the open-concept living room and kitchen set up with his hand on my lower back. "Dad, Sadie's here."

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