A bump in the loop

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Alma Peregrine X Fem!reader
Category: Angsty and fluffy

You where helping the younger peculiars pack their bags, upon hearing about the arrival of Barron (a ruthless hollow) Alma demanded that everyone pack their things and be prepared to leave. You helped the children since you wouldn't allow Alma to overstress herself with other people's packing.

You where the eldest peculiar of the bunch, your peculiarity being that you could make the impossible possible such as immortality or making fairytales come to life etc, you looked 25 but in reality you where 100 and something you never really kept count. The children didn't really see you as a sibling more as a mother like they did with Miss Peregrine, it work even better after you and Alma got married.

Now here you where, packing your children's bags as your pregnant wife was with Mrs Avocet gently holding her stomach, a habit she's grown accustomed to, always wanting to be near her darling daughter.

Whilst you finished packing the twins bags a knock echoed through the halls of the old 1940's house. Alma gave you a worried look as she walked to the door “No Alma, let me.” You jumped up and walked infront of her towards the door. Your heart stopped once you saw Barron holding Jake against him with his hand (that was formed to be a dagger) against Jake's throat.

“Ah! Mrs and Mrs Peregrine! So wonderful to finally meet you both!” Barron looked at Alma from over your shoulder and his eyes widened “I see, I suppose little Joanna Peregrine will be joining us as well?” You glared at him, how in god's name did he know about your daughter let alone her name.

“May we come in?” You slowly backed away from the door and Alma went over to the children as they slowly came down the stairs “What do you want Barron.” The half Hollow half man smiled at you making sure his sharp teeth where on display.

“First I want all of the children in that room there.” Barron nodded his head towards the sitting room, upon hearing this Alma quickly led the children into the sitting room, you didn't need to look at her to tell that she was crying you heard her say goodbye and slowly shut the doors, her hand returning to her stomach.

“Now give me your wife.” You shot him a look and shook your head “No, absolutely not. You are not ruining my family for your own selfish gain Barron!”  He could only chuckle as Alma stepped forward, everyone knew Barron's plan to use the Ymbryne's to become normal again to continue his work.

You put your hand out next to you blocking Alma's path “Take me instead.” Barron frowned slightly and Alma looked at you with only worry in her eyes “My peculiarity, it can turn you back to normal and make you immortal.” His frown grew to become a smirk and he let Jake go.

Alma quickly led Jake into the sitting room and Barron glared at her “You can go in there too Mrs Peregrine.” You turned to Alma and gave her a hug, along wish a kiss, “It'll be alright blue bird, you'll be okay, you and our child.” tears streamed down Alma's cheeks and you kissed them away “Tiktok Y/n.” You and Alma said your goodbyes before Barron took you away.

Alma had a feeling she'd never see you again, which may have been true, if you used your peculiarity too much a part of you would die along with it, used as much as Barron wants to too you would surely die all together.

By the time the children had come to rescue you it was almost too late. You laid on the ground half dead half lost, you lived to see your daughter be born and grow but you never spoke again. You didn't dare open your mouth, you didn't use your peculiarity, a part of you was gone.

“Mama why doesn't mum talk?” Alma picked Joanna up and sat her on her lap “Your mama has been through a lot, she prefers to remain quiet.” Joanna looked over at you as you where looking out of the window, Joanna always wondered why you stared out of the window, Joanna liked it when she'd be flying outside with Alma and you would watch from the window.

You didn't teach Joanna how to fly or how to speak, you did teach her how to walk and dress herself though. Alma had her part to play in Joanna's life and you had yours no matter how small it was.

Mommy Issues One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon