Y/n Warren

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Lorraine Warren x (Fem) Reader
Category: Uhm, no.

You and your wife Lorraine where looking into a case in which a man was murdered.

You had both taken care of a demon possession recently but as it appears the demon hadn't gone back to the depths of hell it had in fact moved into Arne, a boyfriend of the previous possessions sister.

Now you and Lorraine where up late at night with Drew and Debbie trying to clear Arne's name. This would be the first trial in America in which someone pleaded innocent due to demonic possession, which is true.

You where reading through files when you noticed Lorraine yawing and rubbing her eyes "Darling, you should head to bed. You're tired." Lorraine shook her head and looked at more pictures "You're the one who's sick. You should be in bed." It was true, when David was possessed he attacked you and caused damage to your lungs, in which resulted in you needing an oxygen mask from time to time.

"Well I'm not yawning." Your wife gave you the look that was awfully to familiar and she placed a finger on your chest pushing you slightly "If you where to yawn you'd probably stop breathing all together missy. So hush up." You knew better than to question your wife's decisions.

You got up from the couch and offered to make everyone drinks, Drew called you a saint and Lorraine requested a tea while Debbie was most likely too shaken to drink anything. Whilst you where in the kitchen you had a feeling, Lorraine was the clairvoyant one out of the two of you but whenever you had "the feeling" you knew something was going to happen, the real question is wether it was good or bad.

The house got quiet, awfully quiet. You poured the tea and coffee but you knew better than to turn around so you kept looking forward. You heard the creaking of floor boards and that most likely meant it was a bad thing, "Y/n." That wasn't your wife or Drew and it was most definitely not Debbie. "Y/n turn around." You slowly turned your head relying on your peripheral vision to tell you who was in the kitchen along side you.

There was this woman, very much dressed like an occultist, "Who are you? Why are you in my house?" The woman looked up at you after looking at your kitchen knifes for an awfully long while "You will know soon." You had an awful feeling and looked over to the living room "Lorraine! There's a woman in our kitchen!" No response, you moved to the living room door and noticed everyone was gone.

You turned back to the woman and frowned "What have you done with my wife." The woman did not respond she only smiled and looked at the hallway, you turned around and saw something on the ground. Picking it up you realized it was Lorraine's beaded cross necklace, "Lorraine?" before you could turn around a pair of hands grabbed the necklace from your hands and pulled it against your throat choking you.

Now, if you didn't have lung problems you'd be fine with handling this situation but now due to your failing organs handling the situation becam vastly more difficult.

You gripped onto the person's wrists as they pulled you backwards, you looked into the backdoors glass to take a glimpse at your attacker. It was Lorraine, although not her at the same time. You held onto her and attempted to get out of her grasp but it was no use, breathing was now horrifically important and you grabbed her necklace and pulled. With a snap the beads fell to the ground and you where free, you felt your chest heave as you got up but you also heard something else.

Something telling you to kill your beloved wife.

You don't know what happened next, you went to attack her but a punch to the chest was received. Next thing you new Drew was putting your oxygen mask on and Lorraine was crying next to you. The woman in the kitchen was gone.

Lorraine rested her head on your shoulder and wrapped her arms around yours, she was apologizing profusely. You shut your eyes and woke up the next day, in bed, next to Lorraine who was looking at you intently. "You okay Y/n?" You went to take off the mask but she stopped you "Don't, not yet." You nodded and removed your hand from the mask as she cuddled into your side "I'm so sorry.." You looked down at her with a frown "I didn't mean to attack you my love, I swear it. You didn't look like yourself in my eyes and I don't know what came over me but I heard this whispering, and I-"

You put your hand over her mouth and held her head against your chest. She heard you breath out a raspy 'rest' and she calmed herself down, allowing herself to sleep on your chest whilst you looked over at her bedside table. The broken necklace, the beads to one side and the cross to another.

A few hours later, Lorraine had to help Drew with some more research and you where left in bed with your oxygen mask on. As time passed you where fixing Lorraine's necklace, one bead and one prayer at a time. Once you felt the pain in your chest subside you got up from the bed and removed the mask, you left the bedroom and walked into the living room where Drew and Lorraine where conversing.

"Lorraine." Your wife turned around and frowned "You should be in bed missy." You walked over to her "Hold out your arm." Lorraine smiled and shook her head slightly as she held out her arm. You wrapped the necklace around her wrist and hand like she usually would when holding it "Darling, you fixed it?" You nodded and sat next to her, She smiled and gave you a kiss before turning back to Drew to finish the conversation.

You rested your head against her shoulder and played with her fingers whilst she spoke. You loved listening to her, she always spoke calmly and she was also a very smart lady. Lorraine was the smart, clairvoyant, sweet one out of the two of you. You where the mean, quiet, guard dog that Lorraine had to calm down. But, you where perfect for each other.

Once Drew had left and you smiled up at your wife she sighed "You should be resting." You shook your head and got up holding out your hand "Come on." Lorraine tilted her head and held your hand, getting up from the couch.

You brought her closer and started the record player "Really dear? Dancing? Now?" You smiled at her and held her waist "Yes, you deserve a break L. And I know how much you love our dances." Lorraine couldn't help but chuckle as you both started to dance together.

Even after the attack, you loved Lorraine the same. She'd never mean to hurt you, the work you did together was dangerous and you signed up to do it once you married her.

And you wouldn't have it any other way.
If it meant you got to see her smile every waking moment.

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