Her Perfect Little Angel

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Larissa Weems x reader
Category: Fluff/mentions of smut
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You are Larissa Weems assistant, a while back Larissa had been looking for an assistant and once she meet you it was like receiving the dream gift, you where a good listener and your memory was on point, remembering every request she made and every job she needed done. She also soon discovered you where an amazing wife also, cooking for her, leaving her gifts and running her baths.

One evening you where running errands for your lovely wife whilst she was filling out paperwork, you rushed into her office with the coffee she requested and the package she needed to be picked up “That was fast darling.” You smiled up at her and put her coffee on her desk along with the package, “What did you order?” Larissa hummed as she picked it up and put it next to her “That's for me to know and for you to find out.” You pouted slightly which made the headmistress laugh.

Before you could ask her about the package again two students came in looking extremely tired, it was Yoko and Enid “Whats needed girls?” You stood next to Larissa's desk as the two young girls made their complaints “Noise canceling headphones is what's needed.” Enid rubbed her head as Yoko crossed her arms “Are you a serial killer Ms Weems?” Larissa frowned whilst you tried to hold back your laughter “Why do you ask that Yoko?”

“Because there were these awful screams last night and moans which included your name in half of them!” Enid then joined in with the accusation “Yeah, and there was this voice yelling for their mommy it was gut wrenching!” Oh. Dear. God.

Larissa tried her hardest not to smirk but she couldn't help it “I'll handle that insufferable noise girls, you two can get some rest for today.” The two of them thanked Larissa before leaving “Guess I'll have to deal with the noise problem.” Larissa looked over at you and you where redder than a tomato “I believe I have more errands to run.” You began to walk to the door “Y/n.” the sound of Larissa's voice made you freeze in your tracks “Dont be gone too long.” You left her office and needless to say, you took a while.

You where picking up groceries and buying clothes, you also got slightly distracted at the weathervane only because Marilyn was there and you too sat down to chat over coffee but you did but Larissa a gift, a nice bracelet with a love heart charm on it. You hoped it would make her a little less angry when you arrived back at Nevermore.

You walked inside the school and she was waiting for you at the front door “Oh uhm, hello dear.” she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow “You took longer than expected. I hope you have a good reason for this darling.” You smiled up at her and got out the bracelet “I had a hard time picking the right one for you.” Larissa couldn't help but smile as you put the bracelet on around her wrist “Perfect.” She leaned down and kissed your head you thought for a moment you where off the hook.

But to your dismay Larissa leaned down to whisper into your ear “Don't think your off the hook just yet darling.” You weren't scared of your lovely wife, she was too sweet to do any real damage to you. Sometimes.

Larissa placed her hand on your back and began to walk towards her office pushing you along with her. You could run for it, but why would you? Your wife was a celestial being that you'd do anything for. So why run if you where exactly were you wanted to be.

Larissa walked into her office and sat down in her chair whilst you sat down in the one opposite her “Come now darling, you should know the drill well enough.” You saw how Larissa patted her thigh giving you the obvious indication to get up and sit on her lap, who where you to say no?

You quickly got up and climbed onto her lap looking up at her “Now are you going to be a good girl for me?” Oh absolutely, the brat inside of you said no but of course you said yes. Larissa was your everything, why would you defy everything you've ever wanted?

“My perfect little Angel.”

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