Dance of Gasoline

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Marisa Coulter X Fem!Reader
(Another one I know)
Warnings: Fire, mentions of d€ad people and d€ath in general

Marisa Coulter was famous for her cunning words and sadistic actions, You, Y/n Carter where famous for your insane ideas and manic attitude. People referred to you both as ‘The Demon Wives’ partially true, I suppose.

Now, Marisa was a woman with a moral compass, she knew right from wrong and she was willingly cruel to others. Whereas, You didn't have a moral compass, everything you did was for your wife and she never told you off for doing the "bad" thing. Even though you didn't know that it was morally wrong.

One day you where sitting in Marisa's study flying around the room in a Wheely chair your dæmon climbing on the bookshelves above, “Y/n, Kora. Please calm down.” Your dæmon, Kora, was a female like you, that very rarely happened for a dæmon to be the same sex as it's human.

Kora was a hyena and dear lord did she get on Marisa's last nerve. “Lighten up issa! Have some fun!” Kora laughed as she jumped down into your lap making you laugh hysterically. Ozymandias was hitting his head against a wall whilst Marisa Heald her head in her hands on her desk “Y/n, my darling, my love, my one and only, my sweet darling pet, please, please, be quiet.” You stopped laughing and Kora continued to snicker.

“Y/n, my love.” You looked up at Marisa and pushed the Wheely chair over to your wife “What's up hunny?” Marisa looked over at you and poked your nose, “Why don't you go think of a date we can go on hm? I know how much you love putting your ideas into action.” Marisa's suggestion made you jump from the chair, causing Kora to fall, and give her a quick kiss before bouncing to the living room.

You and Kora sat down brainstorming an idea, “Orphanage?” You shook your head at her “We did that last week.” Kora went back to thinking whilst you sat upsidedown on the couch, “How about kidnapping kids?” You frowned at Kora and sat up straight “Have you forgotten what my darling wife does for a living?” Kora laughed again at her forgetfulness causing you to laugh as well.

“Marisa?” The ding of the elevator paused your laughs and made you dart to the entrance of the apartment and tackle whoever was at the door, Kora jumped on top of you causing you to crush the unfortunate guest.

“Y/n! Get off of me!” Carlo's voice bellowed from underneath you causing you to push Kora off and laugh “Carlo! What brings you to this fine establishment!” You jumped up, pulling him up with you “I'm here to see Marisa, is she busy?” You made a sad face and Kora circled Carlo “Unfortunately my darling wife is very busy, you know, all that kidnapping/gobbler business!”

Carlo groaned knowing he'd have to wait with you to see Marisa, you knew Carlo did not like you, you also knew he fancied your wife, but you kept your mouth shut to prevent confrontation.

Carlo sat with you as you told him all the possible ideas you had for the date “My god Y/n why don't you just blow something up!” Carlo said obviously joking, You thought for a minute and jumped up “Oh my god! Why didn't I think of that!” You began walking around the room with Kora as you planned the entire thing.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, Marisa left her study and came into the room surprised to see Carlo. “Finally Marisa, your wife has been driving me nuts.” Marisa came over to you and smiled as she held your chin In-between her thumb and forefinger, “May we talk in private?” Marisa gave Carlo the best fake smile she could before sitting down next to you “We can talk here, my dear Y/n won't tell anyone, she only ever speaks to me really.”

Carlo grunted slightly and crossed his arms, as they spoke you rested your head on Marisa's lap and Kora rested on your stomach. You absolutely loved pissing Carlo off, it was a hobby at this point, so at the end of their conversation you gave Marisa a kiss preventing her from saying goodbye to Carlo causing him to leave all together.

“That was rude darling.” Marisa scowled you slightly for being rude to Carlo but you didn't apologize “I have a perfect idea for the date, now if you don't mind.” You climbed up from the couch and stood triumphantly “Please will you get dressed into your least flammable dress.” Marisa already got the impression that fire would be involved, but she obliged and went to get dressed whilst you made a few phone calls to set the bombs up. You had a horrifically evil idea and just couldn't wait to try it.

Once you and Marisa where both ready you insisted that she left her coat at the apartment because she wouldn't be needing it, the airship ride was insufferably long but Marisa let you lean out of an open window as a treat for being good whilst she worked, although Ozymandias was holding your legs to stop you from falling, that monkey was stronger than you half the time.

Once you reached your destination you dragged Marisa deep into the wood “Y/n darling, why are we here exactly?” You stood in the middle of some trees with your beloved and smiled at her.

“You know these are the witches woods Y/n?” You covered her mouth and nodded until you heard a snap in the trees “The witches are watching us.” Your voice was barely above a whisper but Marisa could still hear you.

You uncovered your mouth and took out a button “You might wanna cover your ears.” Marisa took your word for it and click, BOOM.

Trees where knocked down, witches where screaming and there was fire everywhere. Marisa looked around absolutely baffled, whilst you took out a machine you had invented to make music, when the music played you held out your hand to Marisa and she happily took it.

You danced with her for hours that evening, you danced in the burning forest that now had a few dead witches in it.

You'd do anything for this woman, even if it ment blowing up powerful beings.

You'd blow up the authority if you had to.

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