The songs in the quiet

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Evelyn Abbott x reader
Category: Fluff
Requested by: BiancaSilva315543

Your son had died. You and your family watched him get slaughtered by the Angels of Death. Your wife, Evelyn, cried her heart out and your other two children watched in horror as their 2 year old brother was torn apart. You tried to save him, but it was too late.

Months later you and Evelyn where working around the house and the corn fields, your daughter Regan was working on a map and your son Marcus had been playing in an old run down truck. You couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he played, that night you helped Evelyn prepare dinner as the kids played a bored game. That's until Marcus knocked over the lamp causing it to smash and cause a fire, you ran over and put the fire out putting your finger over your lips. You waited to hear one of the monsters but nothing ever came, a raccoon fell from the roof causing your wife to jump. But no sign of the monsters.

Just silence.

As you all ate dinner there was somehow, even in the end of the world an akaward silence. Regan and Marcus ate dinner rather quickly and went to bed, ever since your son died Regan had distanced herself from everyone else. You looked over at Evelyn and signed 'What's going on with Regan?’ She quietly sighed and signed back ‘She's still blaming herself for Beau's death.’ You always had this painful feeling in your chest when you where told Regan blamed herself.

Evelyn held your hand and squeezed it gently, the next day you where taking Marcus out to the woods. Regan had wanted to come but you told her to stay behind with Evelyn, you sat with Marcus by the waterfall “We can talk here, the creatures can't here us.” Marcus nodded “She doesn't think you love her.” You looked at your son with a very confused expression “Regan, she thinks you blame her for what happened. She even blames herself.” You sighed “I don't blame her, and of course I love her.” Marcus threw a rock into the waterfall “You should tell her that.” and you'd do exactly that.

You both started to walk back to the farm, until you came across an old man. He looked as if he'd been crying, you looked down and saw an old woman dismembered and killed. You saw this look on the man's face, a look that made you pick Marcus up and run. Soon enough you heard a scream, you stopped running and hid behind a tree holding onto your son and covering his ears as the monster ran past and ripped the man apart.

You waited for what seemed like forever for the monster to run off somewhere else, it was night by the time you made it back to the farm house but to your horror the lights around the farm where red. The monsters where there.

You looked at Marcus and signed ‘Go find your sister.’ He nodded at you and ran towards the farm whilst you ran towards the house, you ran inside and saw blood footprints leading upstairs, you took off your bag and slowly went up the stairs with a gun in your hands.

There where scratch marks all over the walls and the bloody path continued to the bathroom, you walked inside and shut the door. Once you looked in the bath you wanted to throw up, it was filled with blood. Evelyn went into labor with the monsters around, what if she was dead. Tears filled your eyes and you slid down the door crying, your soul left your body when a bloody hand slapped the glass door. You opened the door and there she was, Evelyn holding your baby.

Tears where streaming down her face and she was covered in blood, you kissed her head and wiped her tears. You scooped Evelyn into your arms as she held your baby in her arms, you quietly left the bathroom and the house. You wondered where the kids were, hopefully they where alright or maybe in the farms hide out.

You heard one of the monsters creeping around the barn, you ever so quietly moved the mattress away from the hidden entrance. Evelyn was still unconscious in your arms, once you moved the mattress you saw the Monster at the barn entrance and began to slowly and carefully climb down into the basements watching the creatures every move. Until you where completely inside the basement and covered it back up with the mattress.

You sighed in relief and laid Evelyn down on the bed taking the baby from her arms, the cutie was sleeping peacefully and you placed them inside a comfortable cushioned box “Are they okay?...” You looked over at Evelyn and smiled at her “They're fine Ev.” More tears ran down her cheeks and you went over to her and held her hand.

“I was in his room today, I wish I could hold him.” You knew she was talking about Beau, you wanted to hold him too “Y/n, I miss him so much.” You hugged Evelyn tightly and she cried into your shoulder, she also blamed herself for your son's death. You kissed her head and began to hum.

“Stars shining bright above you.” You gently stroked Evelyn's hair as you held her “Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'.” Her crying began to calm down as she started to listen to your singing “Birds singing in the sycamore tree.” Evelyn sat up and looked at you
“Dream a little dream of me.”

You where about to continue until Evelyn sang the next part “Say 'Night-ie night' and kiss me.” You smiled at her and wiped a tear from her cheek “Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me.” Evelyn's voice was a tad bit shaky but it was still as beautiful as it always had been.

“While I'm alone and blue as can be..” You held her hands “Dream a little dream of me..” She attempted a smile at you whilst you continued “Stars fading but I linger on, dear.” You leaned closer to Evelyn “Still craving your kiss.” You gave her a quick peck on the lips before continuing the song “I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.” She now had a real smile on her face that made you laugh “Just saying this...”

You did the next part together, it seemed appropriate “Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.” Evelyn sighed slightly as she began to completely calm down “Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be,” Evelyn held your hand against her lips to prevent her from crying once more “Dream a little dream of me.”

You pulled Evelyn closer to you and rested her back against your chest so she was looking up at the ceiling slightly “Stars fading but I linger on, dear. Still craving your kiss,” You planted a quick kiss onto Evelyn's head “I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear. Just saying this,” You could tell Evelyn was getting sleepy at the sound of the lullaby “Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.” You stroked her hair and held her hand “Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you,” Evelyn began to doze off and you continued to sing “But in your dreams whatever they be.”

“Dream a little dream of me.” Evelyn was now completely asleep and you held her tightly, you found it fascinating at how in a world full of monsters, there was still traces of the songs in the quiet.

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