Soul Sucker

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Marisa Coulter X Fem!Reader
Category: Angsty
Summary: Y/n can become a Spectre (explanation in the story)
Warnings: Fighting, war, soul sucking/killing angels/Dæmonds, abuse
“Bold”=Y/n talking during flashback

You sat with Marisa and the Angel in a dimly lit room, said Angel was still very cautious around you due to the fact you had a high reputation in the kingdom of heaven for killing Angels for the dust.

As you sat beside Marisa you kept your eyes closed and allowed yourself to become lost in thought “Darling.” You quickly opened your eyes and turned to Marisa “Yes?” Marisa had been wanting to ask you this question for years and since you both may die today she thought she might as well.

“How? How can you become a Spectre? What happened to your dæmon?” You looked down at the ground for a moment before sighing “When I was young.”


“I was not well liked in my family.”

You ran through the garden with your dæmon, Elvira, following behind transforming into all sorts of animals. It was a game of tag the two of you played whilst your mother gardened.

“My dæmon and I loved to play, although my father never did like it.”

Once you turned the corner of a strawberry patch you bumped into someone, you fell to the ground and Elvira turned into her preferred form a mouse. You looked up and fear entered your eyes, it was your father.

“He'd beat me, torment me for being a child. Whilst my mother held my dæmon down, they had no love for me.”

You sat on the floor of your room holding Elvira in your hands, you didn't move out of fear of making a noise that would disrupt your father. Such an influential man needed to plan the parties in peace.
That evening your mother dressed you up in a dark green dress and she made you attend the party, Elvira had to transform into a deer to give everyone that impression of innocence and grace.

“But one day, at a party, this man was there and he- he turned me into what I am.”

You where speaking to some explorers about their trips to the north and what they had to learn to become such magnificent people, until your mother dragged you away to meet a philosopher. He freaked you out a bit because two of his fingers where missing but you still had to speak with him.

You found that he was actually quite kind and caring, he said he wished to show you something and you being a silly young girl followed him, he showed you a knife. One side that was said to cut through anything and the other, the other could cut through worlds. He slid the knife down a white glowing line and you saw a city, he told you that it was his home, called Cittàgazze.

Unfortunately, he kidnapped me forced me to live in the tower, he wanted a test subject for his stupid toys.”

On one tragic day, the philosopher discovered the specters and how they are created, whenever a window was cut a specter was made. So he formed a twisted plan, he cut into you using the window side of the knife.

“That was the most painful feeling in the world, more painful than death itself.”

As the window opened you saw Elvira disappear. You felt a soul sucking feeling appear in your chest but soon enough he closed the window but that pain didn't leave. You where a shell of the person you where before, you where a shadow.

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