The Angel of Purity

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(The sandman) Lucifer x Angel!Reader
Category: I have no idea
Requested by: Me. Cause I'm great/j

You where an Angel, one of thee most powerful angels in heaven some would say. You where the lovable, the kind and the purity of Heaven. Until one day.

“Y/n! Miss Y/n!” You looked over at two panicking angels who where running over to you “Whats wrong?” You soon heard a familiar voice, Michael. “A soul was taken from heaven.” You looked up and saw him, your big brother, the angel of guidance “Where have they been taken?” He sighed and you could tell where “Hell.”

“You shall come with me to retrieve them, purity.” You smiled up at him wanting to take a trip with your brother. “All right, when do we leave?” Your brother smiled and held out his hand to you, “Right now? alright.” You took his hand and he guided you to hell, it was horrifically warm and the screams made you feel such sadness for the souls condemned there. Your brother led you to the gate of hell that most souls wouldn't go through, the living souls went through this gate, the gate of damnation.

“There's two at the door to the gate of damnation. Are they thief, thug or whore.” The loud footsteps came closer “There's two at the door and there's room for two more. Til the end of creation.” And there he stood the tall creature with arrows threw his chest and grey, ashy skin. Squatterbloat.

“We are here to see Lucifer.” Squatterbloat turned his head realizing it was two angels at his door, “You've been expected Purity. But not you Guidance.” Your brother stood tall much taller than you and he did not leave “We are both coming in, you know our power is no match for yours Squatterbloat.” Your brothers voice was laced with venom, Squatterbloat could not argue and led you both to where Lucifer was residing.

You and your brother walked up the stairs to the top floor of the tower, you saw the black wings and the white gown before you saw their face. “Lucifer.” Your brother spoke and stood beside you, they slowly turned around “Ah, guidance I hadn't expected you here.” Then Lucifer's attention turned to you “But you, Y/n I did expect.” It made you slightly uneasy that Lucifer was expecting you, “Hello, old friend.” You'd been friends with Lucifer since the beginning, when they where an Angel. But ever since they defied God you'd stayed away from them and hell.

“You have soul that doesn't belong to you Lucifer, we need them back.” Your brother spoke in a calm and collected voice, if you where the one talking you'd be a stuttering mess. You still had.....strange feelings for Lucifer, feelings you hadn't planned to uncover.

“You know how the rules of hell work Guidance, you want something I have you must fight me for it.” Micheal held his hands infront of him “Fine, Lucifer, I challenge you to 'The Oldest Game'.” Lucifer raised an eyebrow and smirked “I'd like to make a change to this deal before we begin.” Your brother frowned slightly.

“If you win, you and your sister leave with the soul back to heaven. If I win, you leave with the soul but your darling sister stays behind.” You felt sick when they said that “Do we have a deal guidance?” Your brother looked towards you and sighed “We have a deal.”

Lucifer smiled “Who do you pick to represent you.” You could already tell what your brother would say “Y/n.” Your heart sunk as the black outfit appeared onto you, “And who do you pick Lucifer?”

They stepped forward their own black latex outfit appearing on them “I chose to represent Myself.” Fear grew within you and Lucifer could see it. They could feel it. “Since I am being challenged I chose the first move.” You stood opposite Lucifer in the middle of their throne room. “As always.” Lucifer smirked and began to think.

“I am.....a Mosquito, malaria carrying, life ending.” You thought for a moment but knew the rules of the game, you need a quick witted answer “I am a poison dart frog, mosquito killing, lethal to the touch.” Lucifer scoffed as their veins turned black from poison “I am a Leimadophis epinephelus, poison resistant, dart frog killing.” Your face turned slightly grey and your brother grew worried as he watched you face Lucifer.

“I am....a hawk. Snake eating, talons ripping.” Lucifer hissed as a talon mark appeared on their cheek, you made the devil bleed. “I am a butcher bacterium.
Warm life destroying.” you fell to the ground as your wings began to lose their feathers and your skin began to decay. Lucifer smiled as their talon mark healed.

“I am....a world.” You stood up completely healed standing in a field full of green grass and the sound of life, to Lucifer's dismay. “Space floating, life nurturing.” You gave Lucifer a warm smile before they snapped back an answer “I am a nova.” They spread their wings as a dying star crashed down to your world “All exploding, planet cremating.” Their voice seemed to echo as the fire burnt your skin and pushed you to the ground once it made impact, everything was on fire and Lucifer stood tall.

Why where you even trying to beat them? Either way you where stuck in hell with them, forever. But that was an easy question to answer, you where doing this for the poor soul that didn't belong down on the fiery pits of hell.

Lucifer's wings flapped gracefully at their sides as they looked down at you, waiting for your answer. “I am a universe.” A universe appeared in Lucifer's view, “All things encompassing, all life embracing.” you stood tall in the universe before you but that's when you heard the thing you feared most, Lucifer's soft voice made it sound so peaceful but it was the exact opposite. Nothing came into view of your universe.

“I am, Anti-life.” You fell once more shaking as your skin turned grey and your oxygen was deprived “The best of judgement. The dark at the end of everything.” You felt your wings turn black as the effects of anti-life crushed you, “Y/n. Y/n!” You heard your brother, what could defeat anti-life? The end of everything? The dark? The nothing?

Your brother held you in his arms “Y/n! Purity! Please! Think!” You didn't know, you couldn't. You had no idea. Nothing could beat nothing. It's just, gone. Lucifer chuckled as a tear rolled down your cheek “Just tell me I win and the effects will stop.” You looked up pleadingly at your brother, it was so painful. He didn't say anything, he was thinking himself, what could defeat Anti-life.

You both had took too long for an answer “Times up.” The black outfit disappeared leaving you in your pure white one. Lucifer was back into their white gown, the effects of anti-life had stopped hurting you and you took a greedy gulp of air feeling your throat. Guidance sat you up as you began to cough, “Mazikeen, see our friend Guidance here out.” Lucifer's servant came over and jabbed your brother in the side with her dagger. He gave you a mournful look as he got up and left with Mazikeen following behind.

Lucifer walked towards you and knelt down Infront of you, they held out their hand and you knowing no better took it. They forcefully pulled you up and into their chest wrapping their arms around you, they leaned close to your face and fear remained inside of you.

“Let's see how pure you can last in hell, darling.”

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