The luminous Yellow Diamond

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Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe) x Fem!Half gem!Reader
Category: Fluffy
Warnings: None

No. no no no no no no NO! This can't be happening, not to you, surely not to you! God damn it, ever since Steven has found out you are half gem as well he won't stop telling everyone, now the news of the new 'half gem' has reached homeworld!

"You did WHAT!?" Steven gave you a nervous smile as you glowed many different colours, your Ammolite gem shining from your chest. "I told the Diamonds about you, they want to meet you! They've never seen another half gem like me! Especially a fusion gem!" If pearl hadn't stopped you, you would've ripped that diamond from his stomach and crushed it in your hands "Y/n calm down! Steven only wishes for you to meet the diamonds! They are much kinder than they where before!" Pearl attempted to calm you down but not even your mother figure could cool your nerves.

You waved your arms at Steven whilst Pearl held you back, Amethyst held her stomach from laughing so much and Garnet just stood there, unfazed.

“Oh I am going to kill you! You little ball of rock and flesh! Pearl let me go!” Needless to say Pearl dragged you to her room to cool down until the diamonds arrived. “What am I even going to say to them if they ask about my fused gem?!”

Pearl crossed her arms as she thought “You just tell them the truth, a fusion couple of a Bismuth and a Pearl met someone and they had a child.” That was the truth, it's also probably why you felt like a daughter to pearl, because apart of you was pearl just like how apart of you was Bismuth.

You and Pearl decided to practice sword fighting whilst in the room, you began to become very good at it and Pearl was impressed “I must say I have taught you well!” You smiled up at her as the sword disappeared, a cough interrupted the two of you. “Oh hello Garnet Y/n and I wher-” Pearl was cut off by Garnet's slightly on edge voice “They're here.”

Pearl nervously led you out of her room with Garnet following behind, you could hear loud muttering coming from outside the room, “Now Y/n don't say anything that'll get us blown up or destroyed.” Pearl's nervous aura only made you more nervous.

You went outside and there they stood, White, Yellow and Blue. The Diamonds. Pearl gave a small cough from behind you and the Diamonds attention turned to you, holy mother of the stars they where huge. The tallest of them bent down to get a better look at you and you walked back slightly out of fear of the large woman but Pearl held your shoulders and gave you a reassuring look.

“So this is the ammolite?” White diamond tilted her head whilst giving you an unnerving smile, Pearl ushered you forwards and White Diamond held her hands out, oh jesus you had to climb into her palms, you made sure to do it carefully because you didn't wish to cause the Diamond any disrespect or trouble. She then stood up straight causing you to wobble and fall down in her palms, as you sat on her glowing hands the three of them looked at you.

"She doesn't look like the other Ammolite fusions?" Said Blue Diamond whilst looking down at you, White continued to examine you and your gem but the Yellow one she just remained quiet whilst observing you from afar. White dragged one of her horrifically large and sharp nails across your chest to get a better look at your Ammolite gem, you shook slightly as fear over took you "White, I believe you're scaring her-" Blue put her hand on White's wrist and slowly led her hand away from your gem.

"What is your name little one?" You already liked Blue Diamond for she was sweet to you "Y/n Ammolite Jacobs." White's charming laugh echoed in your ears, you assumed she liked the name "Oh starlight that is a beautiful name, we never knew fused gems could create a child!" You never did like thinking about the complications of your making, it confused you too much.

As Blue and White asked you questions you noticed that Yellow hadn't yet said a single word, until, she silently held out her hands to White "I'd like to speak to the girl alone." White and Blue gave Yellow a strange look before allowing you to walk into her palms, you were not as hesitant as you where with White but that was partially because you where deadly curious on what she wanted to talk about exactly.

Yellow walked to the other side of the cliff and sat down on the sand causing the ground to shake, you sat in her palm and kept your knees close to your gem "So are you truly and Ammolite?" You nodded your head at her and smiled slightly "Do you possess any powers?" You nodded at her and she asked to see them, you stood in her palm and placed your hands in front of your gem, with a rainbow glow and a light hum a pair of nunchucks appeared, they where made of a clear crystal that had a light rainbow tint. Yellow Diamond had always wondered what abilities half human and half gems had. This was her chance to see.

After a while Yellow discovered that you could shape-shift, create weapons and poof to regenerate. Some of these things steven couldn't even do but you couldn't heal things and you didn't have a room in the temple so it made sense that you had some things he couldn't do. "What can you do?" Yellow gave you a confused look as you sat back down on her palm "Excuse me?" You crossed your legs and said it again "What can you do? You know what are your gem powers? I know you have some, you're a diamond!" Yellow chuckled slightly but quickly regained her cold demeanour.

"Well, I can change your physical form and control electricity-" She then went on to describe the mountains amounts of powers that she had and how she had taken over and dictated many colonies when using them, Yellow singlehandedly became your favourite out of the diamonds after spending some time with her.

The sun began to set and you noticed that you could see homeworld's star from where you and yellow sat "What's it like" Yellow followed your gaze until she too saw the star "What do you mean?" You brought your knees back up to your chest to hug them "What's homeworld like? I never got to go with the other gems to see it." Homeworld was a hard place to describe, well that was Yellow's excuse anyway, it allowed her to suggest something unbelievable "Well, I suppose you could always come back with me and the other Diamonds to see it, that's if you'd like to?"

Any normal 25 year old girl would say no, because she'd have a family, friends and a job to do and wouldn't bare to leave it all behind. But you being a massive lesbian, no parents, no lover, no kid, a few friends with no job, you just had to say yes immediately. Any normal person would be able to see that you had a MASSIVE crush on the yellow diamond, but you where only half human and yellow was completely gem so neither of you noticed.

"Are you ready to go Yellow?" She stood up and walked over to White and Blue "I'm ready but Y/n needs to pack some of her human essentials first." Yellow put you down and you speedily ran inside the building as Yellow explained to the other diamond's why you where coming to homeworld, you had to explain to Pearl why you where packing.

"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Pearl looked absolutely gobsmacked when you told her you where going to homeworld with the diamonds "Y/N DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS HOMEWORLD IS!?" You reached up and put your hands onto her shoulders "PEARL CALM DOWN I'LL BE WITH 60-80FT TALL WOMEN I'LL BE FINE!" Pearl hugged you tightly and shook her head "Absolutely not, you're staying right here with me."

After ages of convincing you reached a compromise, you'd go to homeworld but Pearl would go with you for the first week, then only visit every other week using a warp pad. Yellow wasn't so happy about pearl coming, but in all honesty Pearl didn't trust the diamonds completely especially not with her half-human kid. You sat next to pearl whilst the diamonds drove the ship, Pearl kept you close as she was worried about what would happen if the ship exploded. She's a very anxious gem.

At one point Pearl was talking with Blue Pearl, with her attention away from you, Yellow Diamond scooped you up and sat you down on her lap. Pearl turned to where she thought you'd be but her body froze when you were not there. Needless to say she got up and ran around the entire ship looking for you, until she finally resorted to asking the Diamonds, White didn't know where you were and Blue suggested looking with Yellow.

And that's where she found you, sleeping on the Diamonds lap as she drove the ship. The look on Yellow Diamonds face didn't seem loving, kind or even affectionate to anyone, well anyone that wasn't you apparently. When Pearl attempted to remove you from the diamonds lap out of fear of you being a distraction to the diamonds driving she got a cold, mildly terrifying glare from Yellow to which she backed away and sat down on a chair, keeping a close eye on you.

Seems like The Luminous Yellow Diamond had finally found a gem she'd like, even if that gem was half-human.

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