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Daniel placed his drink down onto the sideboard, knocking the glass vase against the wooden structure before the hand which one held the receptacle, grabbed his chin and stroked his beard.

Audible scratches could be heard from the man, alongside a deep exhale which could only signal his deepest frustrations as his mind ticked over what he'd done wrong, where he'd gone wrong.

But, as he wondered, he pondered along the ideology that maybe it wasn't him who had lead this relationship to it's downfall.

Maybe it wasn't solely his responsibility to ensure for another persons happiness.

As he looked back up from his thoughtful gaze, he whipped his head back to the right, where Amber lay with the bed sheets pressed up against her chest, protecting her modesty as her love drawn hair sprawled across her neck and shoulders, cascading around her face as if she was wearing a halo.

Her bottom lip soon became aquatinted with her teeth, chewing implicitly as she stared over at the tall Australian, her mind a constant whir over the choice of words she had used to display her feelings.

If she could've taken them all back; sucked them up through her pursed lips along with Daniel's memory of them, she would.

"Does he make you feel like this, Amber? Does he make you feel anything at all?" Daniel's low tones echoed from his chest as his deep brown orbs glared over at Amber.

Her hands fondled with the white linen sheets of the hotel room, clutching at the fabric in the hopes that it would allow her the courage to speak, to fathom the words she so desperately wanted to say but so desperately clung onto, seemingly unbothered.

"Because if he does, then leave." Daniel restated whatever point he had to make, using his index finger to signal over towards the hotel room exit. "If he makes you feel every emotion I've just made you feel, please leave."

Daniel's voice broke towards the end as his eyes became slightly blurry, covered with a watery film.

Sparks - Daniel RicciardoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum