Chapter THIRTEEN - Promises and Flames

Start from the beginning

"Wait! Sebastian, I don't want you getting in trouble for me."

His crinkled brow loosened a bit and he turned to look at me, still walking backwards.

"Don't worry Barlowe. I have a way with the faculty members when it comes to disciplinary matters. Besides, I like having friends that are in my debt!" He winked and turned on his heel to dart off after Peeves. I could barely hear him muttering to himself as he left. "Damned poltergeist..."


Working my way up and around the maze of the restricted section, I made sure to keep out of sight. Ghosts, portraits, enchanted snapping books. I was becoming VERY fond of this disillusionment charm.

When I reached the metal gate that locked in the restricted section, I found it propped open, smiling to myself that Sebastian had had enough foresight to keep me from incriminating myself with its traitorous creeks.

Muffled voices swept across the room, hushed and angry.

I crept over to the bookshelves nearest the librarian's desk and peeked my head gently around the corner.

Sebastian was standing directly in front of the librarian, Peeves circling overhead and sticking his tongue out at Sebastian. 

"SNEAKING IN THE RESTRICTED SECTION- AGAIN!" Madame Scribner howled. She wiped a hand down here cheek and looked to Sebastian as if he were a small child. "I thought we were through with this mischief." She sighed deeply. "Clearly, detention isn't sufficient. I'm afraid I must take this to the headmaster." Her pointed boots clacked against the floor as she took a couple steps towards Sebastian.

"But, Madame-" Sebastian's charm oozed from his lips but the librarian held up a finger to shush him.

"That being said, Peeves informs me that you didn't come alone tonight." She glances over his shoulder and I ducked behind the shelf. Even with the charm, I don't want to risk her catching sight of me. My heart was in my head, pounding relentlessly.

"If someone has coerced you, I would have you tell me." I peeked around again and watched as Peeves crossed his arms and looked at Sebastian triumphantly. I had never hated a ghost more. "You're a bright boy Sebastian..." She looked at him with deep eyes, the scowl all but gone from her face. She was giving him an out. "Don't waste this."

Sebastian paused for a moment too long and my breath caught in my throat. 

"There was nobody else Madame Scribner." He rolled his shoulders back and stood tall, chin up. "I came alone."

I could feel the smile creeping across my cheeks.

"Oh Sebastian..." The librarian looked disappointed as if she had hoped he would take the out. "What will your uncle think... come with me." She turned and ushered him to follow closely behind her. Peeves cackled before blasting himself through the walls.

Sebastian paused, his chest rising and falling twice before he took a step after her.


The next morning came all too quickly. I had never been more upset to see the sun rising out the window.

My feet ached greatly, the pulsing, throbbing pain crept up my shins as well and tucked themselves under my kneecaps. One would think having to climb all sorts of staircases in a castle would prepare the legs and feet. Unfortunately my sore muscles would disagree.

I had wanted to find Sebastian after the ordeal with the librarian but had watched them climb directly towards the headmaster's office and knew it would be wise to hang back and regroup in the morning. So dragging my heavy feet a bit, I climbed slowly back to the Gryffindor common room. My fingers had been itching to open and read the book burning a hole in my bag but when I had gone to lift its tattered pages, a wave of guilt drenched me. I couldn't place exactly where the feeling was coming from. This was my book after all. The book that could hold all the answers, help me finally take hold of my life and keep it from spiraling further into chaos. Or... at least keep my mind from doing so. But it didn't feel right. Perhaps my nerves had gotten the better of me, or maybe something inside me was waiting to open it until I could speak with Sebastian again. To thank him for what he had done. I had tucked the book back into my bag and flopped down on my blankets, falling asleep with both a heavy and a light heart.

The Gryffindor common room was bustling with life when I finally pulled myself downstairs. 

I needed to get to class but more importantly to meet up with Sebastian, but Garreth spotted me immediately upon entering. He ushered me excitedly over to the couch in front of the largest fireplace in the room where he had a cauldron pulled over to the center. He had dragged two of the end tables close to the cauldron and the rug beneath them was rippled and flopped over on itself as he hadn't bothered to fix them. Atop the tables, hundreds of little orange rocks were scattered haphazardly. A few of the other students were sitting on the couch cushions or legs draped over the back of the couch watching Garreth stir the cauldron intently. It was almost unnerving.

"ATLLEEEYYYYYY!" Garreth squeeled like a little kid as I approached and threw his arms around my shoulders in a giant bear hug, rocking back and forth. "My favorite girl!" He only let go after I pat his back hesitantly.

"What's all this?"

"I'm just about to add the last ingredient to my latest work and-" He turned to the other students sitting eagerly in front of him. "You all are in LUCK! You get to be the first to try the new brew." He smirked and shook his head proudly. His mannerisms reminding me more and more of a puppy with every second.

"The giggle brew you were telling me about?" 

He flopped his hand in my direction. "No no. This is something better." He grinned ear to ear and scooped a few of the glowing orange rocks into his palm. "Ladies and gentleman..." Quickly, he tilted his hand and let the rocks fall into the cauldron with a few sequential plops.

Everyone in the room seemed to lean in, waiting for something to happen. I even caught myself rising on my toes to peer further into the cauldron.



GIANT flames. 

Reds, oranges, yellows, heat and scorching flames rose so suddenly from the cauldron that the students on the back of the couch fell backwards and nearly tipped the couch in an attempt to escape the heat. A few of the girls screamed and the room filled quickly with thick black smoke and the smell of burnt hair and licorice. I had to check my eyebrows to make sure they were still, in fact, on my face.

Garreth had stumbled back, stir stick still in his hand and staring stunned at the cauldron as the flames slowly fizzled and sleepily flickered out. 

Then he laughed.

"That was AMAZING!"

I silently noted to myself never to stand that close to Garreth's cauldron again.

Me and the Devil: Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now