Chapter NINETY FIVE - Coffee and Delusions

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When Sebastian had finally worked his way inside the house, he forced Ominis to sleep at the far edge of our bedding arrangement and Anne to stay on the couch. Ominis had mumbled about how unfair it was but said little more and dozed off quickly, smiling into his pillow.

We woke to mid-day sunshine and grumbles from both Sallow twins who apparently wished to sleep through most of the day. Neither Ominis or I could rouse them and had retreated in defeat to the kitchen until they woke on their own. We had all slept in and it was nearing noon. Feeling entirely too groggy, Ominis and I made a single kettle of coffee.

Thankfully, we had only drank two mugs each before the siblings padded in.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Sebastian demanded, fingers grazing the handles of mugs from the top shelf. His sleeping shirt buttoned sideways and half of his hair plastered to his face. 

"It ought to be because you're such a joy in the morning."

"Why thank you Ominis." He handed Anne a cup and I crinkled my nose, realizing there would only be enough coffee left for one of them.


The twins seemed to notice at the same time, side eyeing each other before darting forward, hands outstretched and feet skidding across the floor. Sebastian flung his arm out in front of his sister as he reached for the clear kettle and smiled triumphantly back in my direction.

I shook my head, taking another sip from my own mug.

"Were you seriously just blocking me?" Anne pouted.

"No... I was winning." He smirked as he poured, wiggling a brow.

"I'll make you some more darling." Ominis lifted his weight off the counter and worked over to the grinder.

Sebastian pretended to gag. "So...... you two huh?" Droplets of coffee splattering his upper lip as he slurped loudly.

"Please don't." Ominis groaned.

Anne fiddled with the stitching on the blanket over her shoulders. "It was really nothing last night Sebastian. You know me."

"Of course I know you. And I know you too." He jabbed Ominis' shoulder once. "Why do you think I separated you two last night."

"I was only giving her a kiss."

"Oh yes. I'm sure that was all you were giv-"

"Sebastian!" Anne smacked him over the head with one of the wooden spoons from the sink.

I snorted as he sputtered into his coffee.

"I don't give you and Atley shit for snogging all the time."

"We do not snog all-"

"All the time." Ominis confirmed.

I still hadn't said anything and hopped up onto the counter to enjoy the show.

"See! Even your girlfriend won't deny it!" Anne smirked in my direction and moved to pull one of the table chairs into the kitchen.

The legs scraped against the floorboards once before she stopped and clutched her stomach, wincing in pain and a muffled whimper tucked behind her lips.

Sebastian and Ominis were both at her side in a moment, coffee and beans abandoned.

She held a shaky hand up to stop them but another rack of pain shot across her face and she toppled forward into Ominis' arms. 

Heaves of agony working through the shadows of the room and crushing our delusion of normalcy.

The bought of pain lasted seven entire minutes and by the end, Ominis was on the floor with her, rocking their bodies back and forth and stroking her back gently. He'd hid his face in her hair and his shoulders shivered. Sebastian, slumped against the wall, had tucked his head between his knees and was gripping at the back of his neck. My touch did little to comfort him and his body shook with each of Anne's strangled cries.

As her breathing began to return to normal, she whispered a small sorry, sweat slicked hair stuck to her forehead.

"Shh. Darling. No need for apologies. We are all here for you, whenever you may need it." Ominis cooed, holding her to his lap. He tried to hide the way her nails had dug into his hand, but as I stood from Sebastian's side, my eyes snapped to the little red marks.

I found a small flour towel in one of the kitchen cabinets and quickly dipped it into a bucket of water. My thoughts dripped across the floor as I wrung the cloth and placed it into Ominis' fingers. 

He smiled to the wall before bringing it gently to Anne's forehead, the whispers of his encouragement brushed beneath each swipe.

Sebastian had lifted his head, cheek now pressed harshly against one of his knees and arms wrapped tightly around it. He watched through red rimmed eyes and flared nostrils, looking every bit as angry as the tear that slipped across his right cheek.

Minutes passed sluggishly, our minds wound into knots and silence stuck in the corners of the room.

"Ok. That's enough." Anne forced herself onto her knees and hands, eyeing Sebastian sternly. "I will not be the reason we stop having fun. I will not! So... the three of you better get up, get dressed and meet me out back. We need something happy and I have every intention of getting it." Her legs shook as she stood but she straightened her shoulders and held her chin high as she ducked behind the curtain to her room. "Atley, you are learning that damn patronus charm today whether you like it or not!" She called from behind the fabric.

Neither of the boys moved and I forced my aching muscles back to the cabinet, grabbing another towel and wetting it quickly. I sunk beside Ominis and lifted his hand into my lap, dabbing at the little cuts over his skin. He winced against my touch and pulled back, turning his head away from me.

"I am perfectly fine."

"I know Ominis. Just... let me clean them." I kept my voice low, and pulled his slender fingers back to mine. I could feel the weight of Sebastian's eyes as he peeked over Ominis' shoulder, he huffed a disbelieving laugh.

"Please don't tell her."

"I won't."

Sebastian jumped to his feet, a big smile across his cheeks that didn't quite meet his eyes. "Cheer up buttercup, you heard Anne. Everything is just fine!"

His fallacious words slapped across our cheeks as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye before rummaging through his case of clothes.

Somehow, this Sebastian was worse than the sad one.

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