I just wanna go with my Dad

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Chapter 47

Saturday, 8:17 pm

In the bunker

Katie's POV

Dad: No, Katie. You're not coming.

Katie: But I've gone on hunts before.

Dad: That was when we didn't have a place to stay, and you had to go on hunts with us. We have a place to stay now, so we don't have to take you on hunts anymore.

"Have to"? What the fuck's that supposed to mean? I think I'm a joy to be around.

Katie: What's that supposed to mean?

Dad: That came out wrong. I just meant that I never wanted to take you on hunts. It's too dangerous for a 16 year old, and you could get seriously hurt or worse.

Katie: But you hunted when you were 16, and you were fine.

Dad: But looking at that from an adult perspective, my Dad was wrong for taking me and Dean on hunts. Especially at such young ages. I'm not taking my 16 year old on hunts. It's not happening.

Katie: But why not? Why can't I just wait in the motel, like I used to do?

Dad: Because it's too dangerous, Katie. I'm not gonna argue about this all night. You're not coming. You're gonna stay here with Dean, and that's final.

Katie: But I wanna go with you.

Dad: You like hanging out with Dean. What's the problem?

Katie: I just wanna go with you. Uncle Bean's fun, but he's not you. I wanna go with you.

Dad: Sweetheart, I get that you wanna come with me, but I don't think you fully understand how dangerous hunting is.

Katie: Then why do you do it?

Dad: Because it's what I do. It's like my job.

Katie: Your job that doesn't pay you, and almost gets you killed.

Dad: Katie-

Katie: Whatever. I'm going to my room.

I leave the room before he can respond. I go to my room and close the door. I can't believe he's going on a hunt. I mean...I can believe it. I just don't like the idea. I don't want him to go. But if he has to go, why can't he take me with him? If he has to go on this hunt, I wanna go, too. I wanna go with him. But he keeps saying shit about it being too dangerous. I don't care if it's too dangerous. My Dad's going somewhere, and I wanna go with him. I don't understand why I can't stay in the motel, like I did for the first 11 years of my life. Why can't he take me with him, and I'll wait in the motel while he does the hunting stuff? It doesn't seem like that hard of a logic to follow. But apparently it is.

Uncle Dean: Katie. He calls as he opens my bedroom door.

Katie: Do you ever knock?

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