Try "Yes, Sir"

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Chapter 10

Saturday, 7:15 am

In the bunker

Dean's POV

I'm in my room, playing one of those word cross games on my phone. Katie's asleep next to me. She snuck out last night, and went to the mall to hang out with her friend. Sam and I were pissed, but then I said something to her that freaked her out. And now I feel bad. I didn't wanna scare her. I just wanted to make her understand that sneaking out wasn't just wrong. It was also dangerous. Katie's a teenager. She wants to do things that she knows she shouldn't, and she wants to see just how far we'll let her go with certain things. I get that. But she doesn't stop to think about how dangerous some of the things she wants to do are.

Katie: Uncle Bean?

I look over and see that she's awake. Well, sorta. She's in that weird area between awake and not. But she still looks tired. She probably woke up to go pee.

Dean: I'm here.

Katie: I have to go to the bathroom. She says while rubbing her eyes.

Dean: Go to the bathroom.

Katie: But I'm tired.

Dean: You can come right back. Ok?

Katie: I really wanna stay here.

Dean: Go to the bathroom, and you can come right back, Sweetheart. I won't go anywhere. I'll still be right here, when you get back.

Katie: Fine.

She gets out of bed and slowly makes her way out of the room. She mumbles something about being cold, on her way out, but keeps walking to the bathroom. I go back to the word game on my phone. I'm trying to make it take "Twerking" as a word. But it keeps telling me that that's an inappropriate answer. It might be inappropriate, but it fits. So what's the problem? I get lost in the game, and after a while, I notice that Katie hasn't come back yet. I get out of bed and leave the room, to go look for her. She might've gone to her room. I go to her room, but don't find her. She probably went looking for Sam. She likes his hoodies. She said something about being cold, so she probably wanted one of her Dad's hoodies. I go to Sam's room, and find him putting one of his hoodies on Katie.

Sam: Alright. Do you wanna go back to bed?

Katie: Yeah.

Sam: Do you want me to carry you, or do you wanna go by yourself?

Katie: Well, since you offered, I want you to carry me.

He nods and bends down to pick her up. That's when they both notice me standing here.

Sam: Mornin.

Dean: Mornin.

Katie: Maybe later.

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