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Chapter 22

Monday, 11:59 am

At school

Katie's POV

I'm in the cafeteria, eating lunch. Or at least, some of my lunch. And by "some of my lunch", I really mean "just the apple". The apple is the only thing that looks even slightly appetizing, on this entire plate. I hate this school. But lucky for me, I only have to hate it until the end of the week. Dad and I talked, this morning, about home schooling. He said that I only have to come to this school until the end of the week. Then I'm gonna be home schooled. I only have to put up with this hell hole until Friday. Next week, I won't have to deal with the homework, or the bathrooms never being opened, or the crappy lunches, or having no friends to hang out with here. And best of all, I won't have to deal with Penelope. She won't even let me enjoy my lunch, in peace. She's staring at me, from across the room. She's been staring at me like that, all day. And so has Brittany. I thought Brittany wanted to be friends. Mainly because that's what she told me. But the look she's giving me doesn't really give me "I wanna be friends" vibes. It gives me "I wanna beat your ass" vibes. Looking at her and Penelope isn't making anything any better. Especially because now, they're walking over here. Can't I just eat my lunch in peace? That would be nice. It's obviously not gonna happen, but it sure would be nice.

Penelope: I can't believe you. She says as she and Brittany get to me.

Katie: What did I do?

Brittany: Like you don't know.

I don't. I have no idea what I did. I just know that I did something.

Katie: I don't. I'm just trying to eat my lunch, and you two are over there, staring at me.

Penelope: I have every right to stare at you, Bitch. First, you turned by boyfriend against me, and tried to steal my best friend, and now you've made my boyfriend break up with me. Who the fuck do you think you are?

Katie: So, Ethan broke up with you, and somehow that's my fault?

Brittany: Yeah, it is. Because you're a sensitive little-

Katie: Brittany, I'm not talking to fake ass bitches right now. So maybe stay in your own lane. K? I was talking to Penelope. Not her minion. I look over at Penelope Penelope, I don't really give a fuck about your boyfriend breaking up with you. But I'm feeling generous today, so I'm gonna listen to you tell me why he broke up with you.

It's probably because she's a huge bitch, and Ethan couldn't take it anymore. So he broke up with her. As he should. I'm so proud of him.

Penelope: He broke up with me because bitches like you kept running to him, and telling him that I'm bullying you.

Katie: Ok. Well, I wasn't one of those "bitches", so what exactly does this have to do with me?

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