Hair dye

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Chapter 37

Friday, 1:14 pm

In the bunker

Katie's POV

I'm in my room, on the phone with Bailey. We've been on the phone for a while, and somehow, we got on the subject of hair dye. I wanna dye my hair red, but there's a problem. Dad. He won't let me. He'd never let me dye my hair. He might, if I was 18. But I'm not 18. So I'd have to ask him if I could dye my hair, and he'd say no.

Bailey: I think you'd look great with red hair.

Katie: Me too. But I know my Dad wouldn't let me dye it.

Bailey: Why can't you just do it behind his back?

Katie: Because I still need the supplies to dye my hair. And I'd need somebody to take me to the store. They're not gonna take me to the store, if they know what I wanna buy. So I'd have to sneak out. I can't sneak out anymore, because my Dad and Uncle put dead bolt locks on the doors, and only they have the key.

I sneak out ONE TIME (or maybe twice), and they put dead bolts on the doors? I sneak out, so they lock me in here, like I'm some sort of prisoner? If that's not crazy, then I don't know what it is. Controlling. It's controlling.

Bailey: Well, ask one of them to take you to the store, and don't tell them why. Or tell them that you need girl stuff. Men usually don't question that.

Dad and Uncle Dean never question me when I say that I need girl stuff. They know that it's code for pads or tampons, and they don't ask any questions about it.

Katie: That's a great idea. I'll call you back later, after I have the stuff.

Bailey: Ok. Talk to you later.

We hang up, and I get up from my bed. Now I'm heading to the library, where Dad said that he'd be doing research. Once there, I find him and Uncle Dean, sitting at a table and doing something on their laptops.

Katie: Daddy?

Dad: Just a second, Sweetheart.

Katie: I need something.

Dad: I know, Baby. I'll be just a second.

I guess I'll just have to be blunt about it. I didn't wanna do that, but he left me no choice. I will not be ignored.

Katie: I started my period and I need pads! Right now!

He stops what he's doing and turns his head to look at me.

Dad: Go get my keys.

Katie: Ok.

I go to the stairs to get his keys. When I turn back to go back to the library, Dad's already behind me. Why couldn't he have gotten his own keys, if he was just gonna follow me up the stairs?

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