Grocery shopping

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Chapter 42

Tuesday, 12:47 pm

At the store

Katie's POV

I'm at the store with Dad, grocery shopping. This isn't just a supply run. We're actually getting everything we need. I kinda hate grocery shopping, but I like doing stuff with Dad. Uncle Dean's here too, but he wandered off. He's like a child, in the store. You can't look away from him, for more than a minute. He'll wander off and you'll have to go find him. He's probably by the pie or the beer. Dad and I are by the coffee. You wouldn't believe how much coffee this man drinks. You'd swear he's addicted to it. But I'm addicted to Monster Energy Drinks, so I guess it's ok.

Dad: You know you can get coffee, too, right?

Katie: Yeah, but I want Monster.

Dad: I don't like you drinking those. It's too much caffeine.

Katie: You drink a lot of beer, but I don't say anything about that.

Dad: I don't drink a lot of-

Katie: You remember when you told me not to lie, because lying is wrong?

Dad: Yeah. What about it?

Katie: By saying that you don't drink a lot of beer, you'd be lying. What kind of example would that be setting for me, a young and impressionable girl, who learns things from her parent?

He gives a look of " You're definitely my kid", then rolls his eyes.

Dad: Go get a Monster, Katie.

Katie: Thanks, Daddy. I say as I'm walking towards the Monsters.

Dad: Just one.

Katie: I'll think about it.

I go to the Monsters and get 2, because...Because. As I'm walking back to Dad, I see Uncle Dean talking to a woman. Well, flirting with her. I thought he was with the pie or the beer, but he's flirting with some random woman? Whatever. I don't care. It's normal. I'd be more concerned if he WASN'T flirting with a random woman.

Uncle Dean: Kid. He calls as I'm walking passed him.

Katie: Hm?

Uncle Dean: Take these to the cart. He says as he hands me 3 pies.

Katie: Ok.

Uncle Dean: I'll be there in a minute.

I nod and go to Dad with the pies, and put them, and my Monsters, in the cart.

Dad: Where'd you get pies? I thought you wanted Monster.

Katie: I got them from Uncle Bean. He said he'd be here in a minute.

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