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Chapter 3

Tuesday, 8:14 am

At school

Katie's POV

I'm on my way to my first class, and Dad's on his way to the front office to talk to the principal. I hope that goes well. The principal's a bit of a bitch. He doesn't usually take anything seriously. One time, he called someone's parent a liar, because she told him that his kid stole something from her kid. There was proof that it actually happened. But the principal didn't care. I hope he cares about this. I'm being bullied, and I'm tired of it. I don't know what Dad's gonna say to him, but it better work. When I get to class, I see that Penelope isn't here. That's weird. She's always here. I'm not complaining, though. Maybe I finally got a day away from her.

Mrs. Chester: Katelyn, you're late.

"Katelyn, you're late". Ok? And? Be grateful that I showed up. Let me not. Dad's on campus and he'd definitely be pissed if I said something to this teacher.

Katie: Ok? And?

Mrs. Chester: And I'd like to know why that is.

Katie: Because I don't like this class. Why would I be on time for a class that I don't like?

I might be scared that Dad's gonna find out about this. But let's be real here. What's he gonna do? Lecture me? Spank me? That doesn't change anything about my hatred for this class. Or this teacher. She's such a bitch. Or maybe I just think that all of my teachers are bitches. Either way, I don't like it here, and I don't wanna be here.

Mrs. Chester: I don't have time for this. Take your seat and get your text book out. We're on page 243.

The text book? The same text book that you always make us copy the entire lesson from? I should've skipped this class. But again, Dad's here. And while I know that he's on campus, it definitely wouldn't be a good idea to skip any of my classes. There's a small chance that we'd run into each other, and I'd be in trouble. I'm glad that he's talking to the principal about Penelope, but I kinda want him to go home.

Katie: Great. I say with a sarcastic tone.

I go to my seat and take out my text book. I'm not about to copy the lesson, though. I'm about to draw in my notebook, like I do every other time she makes us copy the lesson. That's the main reason I hate this class. The teacher makes us copy the lesson from the text book, rather than actually teach us anything. But as long as Penelope's not here, I guess this is ok. It's not like I'm copying anything, so what's there to complain about? I'm drawing swords in my notebook.

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