Are you sure that's a good idea?

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Chapter 28

The same day, 5:00 pm

In the bunker

Katie's POV

Dad answers the door and now I'm looking at a tall, blonde woman, with green eyes. She's wearing a REALLY revealing top, and a pair of jeans. Who wears something that revealing to a family dinner, WITH SOMEONE'S CHILD?! I don't give a shit what people wear, but come on. This isn't a date. This is a family dinner. And I don't wanna see some random woman's tits.

Dad: Hey. Glad you could make it.

Alice: I wouldn't miss dinner with you and your family. I'm glad you invited me. She says as Dad invites her inside.

She comes inside and Dad closes the door. She's definitely giving me a vibe that I don't like. But I don't know why.

Dad: Katie and I just finished cooking dinner. And Dean should be right out. He was taking a quick shower.

Now they're coming downstairs, and I'm gonna have to say hi to this woman. I don't want to, but I will anyway. But I'm only gonna do it for Dad.

Dad: Katie, Sweetheart, come see.

I let out a quiet sigh, and walk to the stairs, where Dad and Alice are waiting for me.

Dad: Sweetheart, this is Alice. Alice, this is Katie.

Alice: I've heard so much about you, Katie.

Katie: I've heard a lot about you, too. Dad talks about you a lot.

Alice: He does? She asks in an annoyingly preppy voice.

I hate this already. Why is this woman so preppy?

Dad: Don't worry. I only say good things. I only have good things to say about you.

I think I just threw up a little bit, in my mouth. I don't know what I'm watching, but I'd like to turn it off. Immediately. I hate this. Have you ever seen your Dad make an attempt at flirting? No? Well, good. It's not something that you wanna see. It's disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. I'm so disgusted, right now. Someone please kill me, so that I don't have to watch this. I'm in actual pain, watching this. Ew.

Dad: Well, let's not let dinner get cold. Dean He calls hurry up, so we can eat.

Uncle Dean: Don't rush me. He calls back I'm coming.

The rest of us go to the kitchen, where the one good thing about tonight waits. Dinner. I might not like this woman, but I get food out of her and Dad's "date", so I guess it's ok. We all get plates, and Dad fixes one for Uncle Dean, then we sit down at the table and wait for him. It takes maybe a minute for Uncle Dean to come out, and we all start eating. I don't know how it happened, but Alice ended up telling us the story of how she peaked in high school. I kinda figured. I mean, she's tall, blonde, pretty. She's exactly what you need to be, in order to peak in high school. Well, there goes my self esteem for the day.

Behave Yourself जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें