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Chapter 36

*Short Chapter*

Thursday, 3:52 pm

In the bunker

Katie's POV

I'm in Uncle Dean's room, bugging him because I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

Katie: And I think bees are cool.

Uncle Dean: You also like stealing people's hoodies.

Katie: I didn't steal it. I-

Uncle Dean: I was about to put it in my closet, and you took it from me, and put it on.

That's because it's clean now, and it's warm. I'm not warm, so I took your hoodie. What's wrong with that? Is it a crime to wanna be warm, now?

Katie: I like to be warm. That's not a crime.

Uncle Dean: If you were cold, you could've told me. I'd have turned the air conditioner down.

No, you wouldn't have. Or maybe you'd have turned it down for a second, then you'd have complained because "It's too hot in here", and then you'd have turned it back up.

Katie: I know. But I like your hoodies. They're big, and they're warm.

Uncle Dean: We can buy you your own big hoodies, Kid. All you have to do is ask.

Katie: But that's not the same. Yours and Dad's smell like you and Dad. Mine smell like me. It wouldn't be the same.

I like things that smell like Dad and Uncle Dean. Things like they're hoodies or shirts. They smell like them, and that gives me a sense of comfort.

Uncle Dean: So, you take our clothes because they smell like us?

Katie: Yeah. But some of them don't smell like you anymore.

Uncle Dean: Well if you'd give them back, they'd smell like me.

Katie: But I like your hoodies.

Uncle Dean: Munchkin, if you give them back, you can always borrow them again. You know that, right?

Borrow? Who said anything about borrowing? Not me. I don't "borrow" hoodies. Once in my possession, they're mine. I thought you knew that, by now.

Katie: Yeah. But it's easier to just keep them.

Uncle Dean: You've stolen a good 70% of my hoodies, Kid.

Katie: I didn't "steal" anything. I asked you for them, and you gave them to me. So really, you not getting your hoodies back, is your own fault.

We both laugh, and he continues folding his laundry. I'm watching him, while laying down on his bed. I like his bed. He has all the good blankets. They're so warm and soft. I may or may not be falling asleep. MAY OR MAY NOT BE! Can you blame me? I'm in a comfortable bed, with comfortable and warm blankets, and a comfortable and warm hoodie. You'd be falling asleep, too.

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