I don't wanna talk about it

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Chapter 2

The same day, 7:34 pm

In the bunker

Sam's POV

I'm in Katie's room, trying to get her to do her homework. I'd have usually made her do it way earlier, but I was busy and I wanted to see if she'd do it on her own. She didn't. She didn't do her homework, and now she's refusing to. If she doesn't get it done now, she won't get it done at all. She's gonna forget about it, and end up going to school tomorrow without her homework done. Again.

Katie: But I don't wanna do it right now. I'll do it later.

Sam: No, you won't. That's why I'm telling you to do it now. I know you're not gonna do it later.

Katie: Then why are we still having this conversation?

Sam: Do you remember what we talked about, earlier?

She probably doesn't. I don't think she was really paying attention. She was probably just agreeing with what I had to say, to get me to leave her alone.

Katie: Yeah. You gave me another stupid lecture. What about it?

Sam: Do you remember what I said about spankings?

Katie: You're not spanking me, Dad.

Sam: I will, if you keep talking to me like that and refusing to do one simple task.

Katie: It's not a "simple task". It's Algebra, and I don't wanna do it.

Sam: If you think you're gonna have trouble doing it, I can help you. You know I'll help you.

Katie: I don't want help. I don't wanna do it at all.

Sam: That's too bad. You have to do your homework. Now, you can either do it now, like I'm asking you to, or you can do it on a sore ass, after I spank you for not listening to me.

Katie: You're not spanking me! How many times do I have to say that?! It's not happening!

It's happening. I'm done arguing. This argument wasn't going anywhere, and she's only getting more and more disrespectful. I walk over to her bed and sit down. Then I try getting her over my knees. She gets up and tries to leave the room, but I grab her by the belt loop and pull her back. She gives me a frustrated groan and tries her best to get out of my grip. It's not working, which is pissing her off.

Sam: You done?

Katie: Let me go!

Sam: Not until we're done here.

I get her over my knees and throw one of my legs over both of hers. I know that if I didn't, she'd try to run. And I don't feel like chasing her through the bunker.

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