Chapter 40 : Guy vs Veldanava

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Its been One Month since Guy destroyed the Two Nations. One is the Nation that summon him and the other is the request his summoner.

Right now, He is flying around the World for the Past One Month trying to find the 'Creator'.

Guy : 'Tch, This is really frustrating. It's been One Month since I started and I haven't found him yet. There is only two reason for that. One, He is not in this World, or Two, He is not real. I'm honestly hoping for the Former but if it's the Latter..... Nononono, As far as I remember, There is this girl that gave me an Identity which is Rouge, So the 'Creator' is real and he's currently not in this World.' He thought while flying at the high speed when he suddenly got an idea. 'If he's currently not in this World, That means that I only have to attract his attention, right? And what's better way to attract the attention of 'Creator' other than Destroying the things he created?' He thought while wearing a maniac smile.

He looked down and see the same Village he did not destroy at that time. He stretch out his arm and Fire a Nuclear Magic that destroy the whole Village and kill all of its residence.

He looked for another Nation and see the Nation not quite far away in his Position. He fly towards that Nation and stops at top of it. He stretch out his Arm and fire a Nuclear Magic when that Magic suddenly disappear and he got teleported in the place where there is nothing but Darkness.

He look around to see who is responsible for this and see a Dragon looking down at him while having an Aura that even make Guy hard to breath even though he didn't need to breath the first place.

Veldanava is looking at demon infront of him with slight interest. Currently, They're in his Imaginary Space.

Veldanava : 'I don't really need to use this Imaginary Space of mine but I need to control Everything so he will believe that I'm the Creator. Wait, I can control everything outside of this Imaginary Space, I can also Teleport him wherever and whenever I want. Beside, Why do I need to prove to him that I'm the Creator?' He thought questioning all of the things he did. 'As the time passed by, I'm becoming more stupid.'

Guy : "Hoh? Are you the 'Creator' they talk about?" He ask after regaining his Composure.

Veldanava : sigh 'There's nothing I can do, I must continue this.' He thought solemnly and respond to the Demons question. "Indeed, Little one." He said while changing their surrounding into a Forest.

Guy : "Kukuku, Interesting. You're strong like they said."

Veldanava : "Indeed."

Guy : "But........ I'm Stronger!!" He said and fire thousands of Napalm Burst at Veldanava.

Veldanava just stand at his position and let the attack hit him. Beside, It's not like it will do Damage to his Body, Outside or inside his Imaginary Space.

Guy seeing that his Magic didn't work, Create a sword using his Magicule and attack Veldanava with all his Might. When his Sword make a contact with Veldanava skin, The sword........... snapped!?

Guy got surprised by how hard Veldanava skin and step back to keep his Distance. He analyze Veldanava and got blocked.

Veldanava : "You will never be able to get information about me, Little one."

Guy : "As expected, You manage to block me from analyzing you, No one was able to do that before." He said while readying himself. "It's still not the end, though!!!" He said and fire hundreds of thousands of Nuclear Magic and Napalm Burst at the same time. He also created multiple sword and store it in his Pocket Dimension so he can just take it whenever his sword got destroyed.

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