Chapter 33: Love.

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*50 Years later*

It's been 50 years since Rimuru created a thing that can manage/balance the Multiverse and he only has 35 years before he take his slumber.

Right now, The Tempest Family is roaming the New Universe that Veldanava created.

Rimuru : "Hmmm, This Universe is much more durable than the others. Are you planning to use this Universe as our Home?"

Veldanava : "Hehe you got me but yeah I plan to. Why? You don't like it?"

Rimuru : "Hm? Not really, I kinda like it. This Universe is the most Beautiful thing that you ever created. So I don't mind if we live here."

Veldanava : 'I see. Oh! Dad Can you give me an opinion on someone i created?'

Rimuru : "Hoh? Lead the way, then."

Veldanava lead them to his place where he always do his experiments.

Veldanava : "Here we are." He said introducing his Palace, He call it 'Heavenly Star Palace'.

This Palace is a Tiny, Flat World. It resides in the sphere of inner surface, with the earth's lower half and sky's upper half.

It is fewer than 100 Kilometers in size and is feature a stunning Chalk Castle.

This place is full of Life. The fruit did not decay, The Flower did not wither, The water is pure, The soil is moist, The Tree is Green and The Animal is working together so they can maintain the Beauty of this Land.

Rimuru : "I take back what i said before, This is the Most beautiful Creation you have." He said while looking around his Palace.

The Three siblings and Ciel also nodded while looking around.

Veldanava : "Hehe, Thanks." He said while scratching his Cheek because of embarassment. "Anyway, Let's go to my Palace. That's where i put all of my Creations/Experiments." He said while gesturing his Family to follow him.

They follow Veldanava and enter the Castle. After they enter the Castle, They were greeted by so many Human like figure inside of a capsule.

Ciel : "Hoh? What is this?" She said while walking towards one of the capsule. "Hm, I see. This is interesting experiments you have here, Veldanava." She said while analyzing what's inside of the Capsule.

Veldanava : "Hehe You see, I want to create another Universe in this Multiverse and i plan to have this specific Universe an 'Mediator'. That one you're touching is one of the Demon who will make the World Power Balance."

Ciel : "Hmm, I see. Did you already think of their Name?" She ask and look at Veldanava.

Veldanava : "Hm? Not yet. I plan to name the angel first before the demon."

Ciel : "Oh? Why is that?" She ask even though she already know the answer.

Veldanava : "Well The demon already have an Consciousness while the Angels do not have one." He said and walk towards one of the Capsule. "This one is the only one who have a fraction of its Consciousness. It's not yet developed but I'm sure that if i name 'it', It will develop."

Ciel : "Hmmm, I see. Well can i name these Demons, then?"

Veldanava : "Eh? Are you sure?"

Ciel : "Hm! nods. Don't worry, If you think i'm gonna give them a 'Name', You're wrong. I only plan to have these demons their Title according to the color of their Hair."

The Void Dragon: RimuruOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant