Chapter 18: Last Name(?)

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It's been 40 years since they have a Vacation in a Human World. During that time, so many things happen. Veldanava becoming the CEO of the most successful Company in Whole World, Velzard and Velgrynd bacoming a Teachers for College Students and Lastly, Veldora become an Elementary school Teacher and an Manga Artist.

They earn so many Money that Rimuru and Ciel didn't even need to work. Though, They still have work to do and that's taking care of the City they help.

Beside even if they didn't go to work, They still have a lot of Money in their Imaginary Space. Being the Creator of Everything sure is useful.

And also they now have a Family Name! Their Family name is 'Tempest'! How did that Happen? Well let's go back 35 years ago.

*35 Years ago*

It's been 5 years since they start their Vacation. We see Rimuru and his Family having a Dinner while tallking to each other.

Ciel : << Dear. >>

Rimuru : "Hm? What is it?"

Ciel : << Isn't time for you to come up with our Lastname? >>

Rimuru : "Oh, Right. We still don't have a Lastname, huh?" He said and puts his Utensils down.

While Rimuru and his Family is eating, There are 4 Thugs that planning on how to rob them.

Thug 3 : "So, Boss. How should we rob that House?"

Thug 4 : "That's right, Boss. When you order me to scout that House i see them eating, you know? They might call police if they notice us."

Thug 2 : "That's right. I even see one guy who really has a Big body, You know? It's like he is a Bodybuilder."

Thug 1 : "That's why we have a Baseball bat. Even that guy you talk about is nothing compare to our Baseball Bat." He said while revealing the Baseball Bat filled with nail and Barbed Wire.

Thug 2 : "Ohhh! As expected, Boss. You already prepared for this!"

Thug 4 : "Hehehe, This way we will not only have their Money, We will also have the Beauty inside of that House."

Thug 3 : "What!?"

Thug 1 : "What did you say?"

Thug 4 : "Well, You see Boss. When you order me to scout that House, I see 4 girls whose beauty is out of this World."

Thug 2 : "Hm! Especially the one who has a Golden eye and a Platinum blue hair."

Thug 1 : "I see, It seems like we will be able to get rid of our stress. Let's go Boys! We will make sure that this Plan will not Fail!!"

All : "Yes, Boss!!"

The thugs proceed their plan without knowing that the whole Family already know what they're planning.

Ciel : << Dear, There are some Thugs outside. >>

Rimuru : "Hm? Well let them be. They will just rob us anyway. And beside they can't hurt us." He said while still thinking on their Lastname.

After that, They continue their eating when suddenly....

Thug 1 : "This is a Robbery!! Give all of the Valua-" Before he finish talking Rimuru interupt him.

Rimuru : "Go ahead! There is a Drawer near the shoe Rack. There's a Money there so you can take that." He said while still thinking what their Last name will be.

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