Chapter 14: Veldora's Friend

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*100 Years Later*

100 Years has passed since Veldora was born. During that time, They have come to known what personality Veldora has. Well he is Childish, Immature, Dunce, Imbecile, Dumbass, Stupid, Jerk, Deadhead. And F*ck many more!

The three girls weren't happy when they found out about it, While the two boys - Specially Rimuru - become happy. Why? Well if you have 3 girls who always has an Serious expression all the time it tend to get boring. They're not saying that they are boring, Infact they are grateful to them because they have someone to talk to, It's just that they can't tell a stupid joke without ruining the Mood!

And now that Veldora is here, They can tell a stupid joke and there is someone who will react on their stupid joke. Rimuru, Veldanava and Veldora is always seen playing with eachother, While The three girls sometimes joins but most of the time they just watch.

For the past 100 years, Veldora is always happy whenever he plays with his Older brother and Father without knowing that his times of happiness is nearing it's end.

*Veldora Pov*

I, The Storm Dragon, Veldora, Blessed you with my presence! KUHAHAHAHAHA!

You might be wondering, Why a great being like me is talking to you, right? Well, It's because Dad and Brother can't play with me because they have something to do, While you on the other hand is just lying on bed while using Cellphone! You still have Work or Studies to do! So finish it first before reading this!

Beside, You're still not eating yet! So you should eat first before reading this! And don't read this while eating, Because using Cellphone while eating is sign of disrespect for the food! And if you manage to eat without using you're Cellphone, I, The Storm Dragon, Will give you a Hug! Not only that, I will also ask Dad and Mom to give you guys a Headpat for being a Good Boy/Girl! A generous deal for a great being like me, Right? KUHAHAHAHAHAHA. So be a good Boy/Girl and eat without using your Cellphone.

Right, We're getting off the Topic. The reason i'm talking to you is because, As I said before, Dad and Brother is busy, That's why i'm asking you to become my playmate until Dad and Brother is finish with their work. And also i want you to become my Friend!

What!? You don't want to!? Well.. It's okay, I guess. I mean Dad said that forcing someone is bad. And you clearly don't want to be my Friend so i guess that's alright. (╥_╥) (╥_╥)

What!? You changed your mind!? I see! Very well, Let's play!

Rimuru : [ Veldora, Can you come here in the Living Room? We have something to tell you. ]

Oh man, It seems like we will not be able to play. But don't worry i will come back here and play with you. But for now, I bid you farewell.

Hm? You said that I should not go? That if I go to where Dad is, I will be in danger? KUHAHAHAHA Don't worry my Friend, I'm strong myself so i doubt anyone can hurt me, Much less kill me. Beside Dad is the strongest so there's no way i'm gonna be in danger when i am with him. KUHAHAHAHA.

*3rd Pov*

After Veldora finish his Talk with Someone, He Stand up from his bed and left his room. He go downstairs and go to the Living Room. After he enter the Living Room, He see his Father aswell as the rest of the Family sitting on the Couch.

Veldanava, Velzard and Velgrynd is watching TV, While Both of his Parent is sitting on the Couch. Even though Veldanava is watching TV, He is still focus on what his Parent will say. Even though he already has an Idea on what they will say.

He suddenly got nervous seeing his Father and his Brother having a serious expression, Which he rarely see.

Veldora : 'Maybe i should've listen to my Friend.' He thought while looking for the free spot where he can sit.

Unfortunately, the only free spot he can find is infront of his Parent. He sit down and look at his parent anxiously, He holds both of his Hand and start rubbing it. He stare at his Parent and they stare back. Rimuru decided to break the staring Contest.

Rimuru : "Ahem! Well, Veldora. I'm sure you don't know why we call you here, Right?" He asked getting a Nod from Veldora. "Well, We decided that you are now Ready for your Training!" He shouted excitedly. Meanwhile Veldora is Confused and ask.

Veldora : "Huh? Aren't I strong enough? Why do I need to train myself?"

Rimuru : "Well certainly you are strong, But! You are not strong enough." He said which make Veldora more Confuse. "I mean can you even Fight one of your Sister? No not fight, I mean can you even land a hit on one of your Sister?"

Veldora : "Well i can't.. But-"

Rimuru : "And remind you there someone who is stronger than your Sister, Heck there is even someone who is stronger than Veldanava." He said getting a shocked look from all of his Children.

Velzard : "Are you serious, Dad?" She asked nervously. I mean she really thought that other than her Father, No one can beat her Older brother.

Rimuru : "Hm? Oh yes! There is someone who is stronger than Veldanava and there is a lot of them." He said and took a sip in his Tea without knowing that all of his Children is getting scared.

Ciel on the otherhand just Facepalm
(-‸ლ) at the stupidity of her Husband.

Ciel : << 'You can't just say that to them, Stupid Rimuru!' >> She thought while glaring at Rimuru.

Rimuru after sensing a glare from Ciel, Look at her Comfused. After a while he realize what he said and look at his Children, He see all of them having a Scared expression.

Veldanava, Velzard and Velgrynd is not scared that they are being that is much stronger than them. The thing that scares them the most is Training. Now that they know that there will be someone who is stronger than them, It means that their traing will be harder and harsher! And that's the thing that scares them. Well, Veldora is scared because there is someone who is stronger than him and it makes him want to train himself so no one -other than his Family- can beat him.

Rimuru : "B-but d-don't worry! We will train you all at the same time after Veldora Finishes his Training." He said while stuttering hoping that they will calmdown.

When Rimuru look at his Children again, He see the three oldest is getting more scared while Veldora is excited. Rimuru didn't know why they are getting scared.

There it is, The training. The thing that will decide whether they live or not.

Veldanava : 'Ahh, It seems like i need to train before Dad and Mom finishes Veldora's Training. That way i can be ready when they start training us.'

Velzard : 'Haizz, It seems that i need to train again so i can be ready when they start training us again.'

Velgrynd : 'Holy, I need to train more!? Wait if i don't train then i will not be ready when Dad and Mom train us!'

Veldora : 'Hehe, Now i can be stronger. I will train at my Fullest so no one -other than my Family- can beat me! KUHAHAHAHAHA'

And that's how Veldora meets his Friend and How Veldora start his Training.

The Void Dragon: RimuruOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz