Chapter 17: Vacation! Part 2

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1 week has passed since Rimuru announce that they will have a Vacation. During that time, Velzard and Velgrynd watch how Human interact with each other so they won't be Alienated. While Veldanava was able to convice Veldora to become a Weeb. This is what happen.


Inside of a Room, We see Veldanava preparing all of the thing he need for their Vacation, Namely clothes and Manga. He is about to put the last Manga into his bag when suddenly..

Veldora : "Brother!" A wild Veldora shouted.

He turn around to see Veldora having a Panic expression.

Veldanava : "Hm? What is it? Why are you panicking?"

Veldora : "W-well, I just wanna ask some question."

Veldanava : "Hm? Go ahead."

Veldora : "Well, you already visited Human World before, Right?"

Veldanava : "Yes, I did."

Veldora : "So, Did you find any Interesting there?" He asked with a curiosity written on his Face.

Veldanava : "Yes." He replied Calmly. But! There is a saying that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Inside of his Head, He is laughing.

Veldanava : 'KUHAHAHAHA This is it! I knew that he will come to my Room to ask that Question! That's the reason why my Manga Collection is the last one i organize. I will be able to corr- no, Convice my Brother to become a Weeb like Me! Hehehe. Hahaha. KUHAHAHAHA.'

Veldora sensed that something is weird on his Brother.

Veldora : 'That's weird.' He thought and look at his Brother and see him staring at him Calmly. 'Brother is usually not this Calm. And that Face, He only used that whenever he is Planning something.' He thought getting suspicious. "So can you recommend something?"

Veldanava : "Hm! Sure!' He said and Take his bag where he put all of the Manga Collection he has. He takes out a Manga. "This book is Called Manga, It is a book that has Picture on it and has a Dialouge. It's like Two picture are talking to eachother. The one i will give you is 'Dragon Ball'. I don't want to say anymore because i might spoil it." He said and hand over the book to Veldora.

Veldora take the Book, He open it and Read while listening to Veldanava

Veldanava : "Oh, and one last thing. Please be gentle with that book."

And that's how Veldanava convice Veldora to become a weeb.


In the middle of the Void, We see a 6 Individual floating.

Rimuru : "So, Are all of you ready?" He ask and look around him.

Velzard : "Dad, That's really a stupid question."

Velgrynd : "That's right, It's not like a simple Teleportation can make us Vomit, you know?"

Veldora and even Veldanava nodded.

Rimuru : 'Fufufu, a 'simple' Teleportation huh? Let's see how can you all handle this 'simple' Teleportation.' He thought and prepare the Teleportation.

He teleport them in one of the House they have in Human World instantly. After they they landed on their House, Veldanava, Velzard, Velgrynd and Veldora hold their Mouth and rush to the Bathroom.

Rimuru : "HAHAHAHA. Now, Is it only a 'Simple' Teleportation!? HAHAHAHA." He said while laughing like a Madman.

You might be Wondering, How did they feel nausea, Right? Well, It's because Rimuru seal all of their Resistance. And they suddenly got Teleport before they even realize that their Resistance got sealed.

Ciel, Meanwhile is just standing there while smiling happily. Seeing her Husband being Childish again put a smile on her Face. And beside the scene infront of her is Funny so she can't help but be Happy, Happy that she is Part of this Family.

Ciel : << 'Fufufu, Thank you for making part of this Family, Dear.' >> She thought and suddenly remember how she bacame a Living Being. << 'If i didn't agree to Dear's proposal at that time, Would i be able to have Veldanava? Velzard? Velgrynd? And Veldora? No, I'm sure i would be able to have them but they will be born using Dear's Magicule. So, It will never be OUR child, It will be HIS child.' >> She thought while clutching her Chest. << 'Just imagining that they will not be my Children hurts me a lot than i expected.' >>

Rimuru stop laughing and notice that Ciel is Quiet. Usually, Ciel always scold him whenever he do something stupid. So he look at Ciel and notice that she is Holding her Chest tightly. He got worried and rush to Ciel and said.

Rimuru : "Ciel, Are you ok?" He ask worriedly.

Ciel hear this and look up to see Rimuru looking at her. She hug Rimuru and said.

Ciel : << Thank you. >> She said while burrying her head into his chest.

Rimuru got confused but reply.

Rimuru : "I don't know what you're thanking me for, but You're Welcome." He said while caressing her head.

They just hug each other for a while. After few minutes, The four sibling come out to the Bathroom.

( A/N - I'm just gonna tell you this, in the House of Rimuru they have a Four Bathroom. One per each room. Remember when Velzard visited a Human world with her Parents? Rimuru renovate their house and add one more Room and Bathroom for Velzard.

One main Bathroom
One Bathroom in Veldanava's Room
One Bathroom in Velzard's Room
One Bathroom in Ciel and Rimuru's Room. )

Rimuru see this, smirk and said.

Rimuru : "Hm? Why did the Four of you threw up?"

Veldanava : "That's really cruel Prank, Dad"

The three others just nodded.

Rimuru : "Hm? But you said it was just a 'Simple' Teleportation?"

Veldora : "You sealed all of our Resistance!"

Rimuru : "Heh, That's what you get. You all get too overconfident in your abilities that you even forgot who am i." He said while still caressing Ciel's head. "Let me introduce myself once again. I am the Void Dragon, Rimuru. The King of the True Dragon and The strongest individual in whole existance."
The whole house suddenly got silence when Rimuru said that. After a Minute Veldanava speak.

Veldanava : "Dad, Please stop."

Rimuru : "Eh?"

Veldora : "Look Dad, I really like your antics because i know where i get my Childishness from but please stop. You sound like an Edgy Character and it totally doesn't suit you."

Rimuru : "Kugh!"

Velzard : That's really Disgusting, Dad.

Rimuru : "Kugh!!" He said while holding his Chest.

Velgrynd : "And Creepy."

Rimuru : "Kaghh!!" He said and let go of Ciel's Hug.

And for the Final touch.

Ciel : << Dear, I love you, I really do. So, Do me a favor and stop that, Please. >>

Rimuru : "Kaghh!! Y-you too, Ciel!?" He said kneeling while using both of his hand as support.

And that's how Rimuru and his Family starts their Vacation.

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