Chapter 2 Naps

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It's strange as soon as the lights went out everything in the Superstar daycare had changed completely, which was very strange, but amazing at the exact same time very unique. It was pitch black, except for soft, green lights, illuminating some artificial stars on the ceiling.As the upbeat and bubbly music changed to a softer, gentler smoother, relaxing, lullaby, version of itself as there was a certain change happening, and the setting change is now complete as all of the other children were getting blankets and pillows, all decorated with the same pattern of stars. It was quite beautiful.Gregory had been completely lost in the beauty in amazement.

He had never seen anything like this not to mention he never had a good proper sleep, but he found it beautiful.He never seen anything like this as he was cut by its beauty he was simply mesmerized by it.It was just so beautiful for him because he never experienced anything this lovely before in his entire life.

Gregory feel like he can watch this forever but he notice how all of the other children were laying down and already were trying to sleep, which he didn't quite understand as to why.He looked around, wondering where his friend was, as he just came out of this entrapment that he was in he was curious where his friend had gone.

He looked around when he felt a presence it was a comforting, nice presence as familiar, jingling bells also became known.Gregory had turned around as he is surprised to say the least as he saw the figure from the advertisement of Sleepytime candies as he looked at the soft, mellow yellow eyes staring at him.Then a voice spoke out of the figure. It was a soft, silky, smooth, gentle, relaxing voice that spoke out to him.

"Hello there little star.You are new to the Superstar daycare.So you must be lost about what is happening here right now.Do not really I will be able to help you."

("Yes!Yes! He is new, so he does not know what is happening right now. I like spending time with him. He was different from all the other kids.")

"Okay!I'm Gregory.Do you know what happened to Sundrop he just went missing."

"Do not panic, my brother is fine.You see when the lights are on he comes out to play, but when the lights are out for nap time, it's my turn to take over."

("I forgot I didn't have a chance to explain that. Thanks for helping on that part.")

"Oh okay.So he doesn't like the darkness."

"You could say that.But that's enough talk. I'm sure you will want to sleep with the others."

("Oh yes! No time for talking it's time for naps. Then it's gonna be playtime again.")

"If you don't mind helping me! I don't like to sleep by myself. Is it okay if you stay with me?"

Gregory finish speaking as he looked at the nighttime attendant it was pretty clear there was a surprise and look in the soft, mellow, yellow eyes.He didn't quite understand why he just wanted some comfort because he hated sleeping alone. He didn't like that at all.The nighttime attendant was taken by surprise because this has never happened before in the past all of the other children left him and his other half,his quote on quote, brother, alone.

Because they were terrifying to the children during play time they find Sundrop extremely annoying clingy so they avoid him and when it's time for naps they find Moondrop just plain old creepy and avoid him as well. Trying to get to sleep faster as possible.So the fact that this child wanted the nighttime attendant to stay with him for sleep was very surprising news.

"Are you sure you want me to help you sleep? I am not that well liked by the other children. Neither is my brother."

("I have to agree on that. I don't understand why the children don't like us.But for the Glamrocks they just love them.")

"I don't really care of the other children don't like you and your brother that much to me you and your brother and very nice and kind and my only friends here if I'm being honest. I don't mind honestly and besides, I prefer being friends with you guys over anything."

"Thank you little star I appreciate that.So does my brother."

("Yes! A child that doesn't find me and my brother terrifying or annoying. Happy day.")

" No problem!"

Gregory followed the nighttime attendant as he was glad that he had some friends so at least he was able to enjoy this day, and if he was being honest, he really needed to sleep.He never had some time to relax at his home and when he goes to school, it was never a good time for him there, so he was grateful that he goes to sleep here at least.

Gregory continue to follow the nighttime attendant as he was then handed a pillow and blanket, decorated with the same pattern of stars on it as he proceeded to follow the sounds of footsteps accompanied with jingling bells until reaching the designated nap area.

He was then placed, laying down as a blanket, cover him up as he was laying his head on the pillow as he saw the nighttime attendant there sitting crisscross applesauce.It was comforting, really as the soft, gentle lullaby and reassurance, that another friend that he made comfort him long enough for him.

To slowly dress to sleep.Gregory was soon completely out like a light since he had never gotten any good sleep as he was happy that his friends were still here with him so he could relax easily knowing that everything will be fine.

He felt like he was on a cloud as he continued to sleep peacefully without a care in the world this was honestly the best day that he had had in his whole life so he can't wait to come back here next time.Because he really enjoyed spending his time here so he can't wait for next time with his family brings him here. It will be very fun for him.

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