Mysterion pov

"we again got an anonymous information that today may someone plans to rob a bank. We're gonna stop the thief and maybe got some money as a reward." Racoon spoke. "Human kite and tool shed u guys will make sure that everyone is safe after the thief runs out of the bank. Mosquito u will make sure he doesn't have any company to help. And me and mysterion will stop him." we nodded tensly. This was a huge deal since the thief will probably have a gun. We went to the bank. Abserving it from a roof across the road. We saw a suspicious guy walk in. " This may be our guy be careful." I said. The others nodded. Like I expected we heard a gunshot. The alarms in the inside went off. "Let's go!" human kite said. Me and Racoon spotted the thief but unfortunately he hold someone hostage. The others were already gone. The thief shot around but he only caused panic and didn't hurt anyone. I looked around thinking of what we should do. Then I saw something in the corner of my eye. I turned to that direction but there was noone. I'm imagining things. The thief managed to turn onto another street. "Quick. We need to catch him before he gets into his car." I said. Racoon nodded. We hopped down the roof but when we turned onto the same street the terrified screams already turned into cheering. Didnt the others follow the plan? Did they already took care of it? But just then the guys stood behind us. We all looked confused at each other. We pushed ourself through the cheering crowd and saw a girl dressed up as a hero pinning the thief on the ground . She wore a white cape, a dark gray mask, a silver headband out of Metall, white gloves that reached her elbows, a dark Grey tutelneck shirt with no sleeves, Her hair had 2 buns left and right at the top but at the bottom there was still hair coming out , a white skater skirt, a black panty hose, white boots and there was smt like a belt with all kinds of stuff around hung from her shoulder across to her waist. The girl that was hold hostage stood there unharmed but still scared. The police came and arrested the guy. Still everyone's eyes were on that hero girl. "Hey Tom I'm live here from an attempted bank robbery. The guy was arrested and the hostage was freed immediately from this new hero." the TV news guy spoke. "Thank u so much! Who are u?" the hostage girl asked her hero. The hero handed her a white rose. "I am a knight brightening up the dark scary night. Just call me white knight." she smiled mysteriously. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I already need to leave." she bowed infront of her 'audience'. "AY WHAT DO U THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Racoon shouted beside me. The white knight turned to our direction and grinned. "I'm doing the same thing you're doing. Isn't that great?". "Yea no we're gonna show everyone who u really are! Then you can't play super hero anymore! U'r probably Wendy or Heidi anyway." Racoon shouted back. And the others started running her direction. "Oh dear Racoon and friends like I said I need to leave. It was nice meeting you tho." the next moment there was white smoke everywhere. As the smoke faded short after the white knight was gone. "UGH!" Racoon was pissed off. We head back to the base. "ARGH" Racoon let out. "Any ideas how we get rid of that knight bitsch?" Racoon asked. "Why getting rid of her? she's helping us" human kite asked. "BECAUSE SHE'S TAKING ALL THE CREDIT." Racoon shouted. I sighed. What an asshole. "Why don't we ask her to join us then." mosquito asked. Racoon face palmed. "Jesus chirst dude. BECAUSE SHE'S A CHICK. Okay the night isn't over.. Let's just continue we still need to take care of that drug lab I told u guys about?" we nodded. "We're gonna take it down." he said serious. We nodded. "Okay mosquito, toolshed I need you to check how many they are. Then you, me and mysterion will go in. If anything goes wrong human kite will call the police alright?" we nodded again. We headed up the the drug laps. We needed to be careful since it was inside of a garage but not offside the town. No it was in the city center. But when we came close we already heard cheering. We pushed ourself through the crowd again. The police was arresting 5 guys that already looked like bad trouble. "you.." Racoon growled. Me and the others looked up and there she was again. White knight bowing down to her 'audience'. When she noticed us she smiled amused. "Oh there you are again. I already took care of it for you. You guys can rest." I smiled back competitive. She's kinda hot. Before I knew it Mosquito grabbed her wrist tight. She looked at him with intense eye contact. "Oh no dear mosquito. That's not the was to treat a lady. But oh well I guess you can join me on my adventure for a while." he looked confused. Then there was that white smoke again. She dissappeared with mosquito. I just felt someone handed me smt. When I was able to see agin I figured out its a white rose. The others had one too. This white knight is so confusing.

White knight pov

I felt how someone grabbed my wrist. It was mosquito. I looked him deep in the eyes feeling him drowning in mine. "Oh no dear mosquito. That's not how to treat a lady. But oh well I guess you can join me on my adventure for a while." I activated one of my smoke bombs handing a white rose to Racoon and his friends. Mosquito was willing to follow me probably hoping I would bring him to my base. I grabbed his waist, pulled him close and took my grappling hook swinging away. "Where do you live I will drop u off." I said while he wrapped his arms around me scared that he will fall. He told me his address and I smirked. In shock about he just told me that he put one of his hands infront of his mouth. I chuckled. "Do not worry Clyde. Your secret is safe with me." I let him go on top of his houses roof. "Thank you for traveling with me dearest mosquito. You also will receive a rose of mine." I handed him one of my white roses while bowing down. I was a gentleman hero you could say. He thanked me while taking the rose slowly. "Are you bebe? Or heidi?" I chuckled at his guessing. "Thank you for thinking I'm one of these gorgeous girls. Maybe I am but maybe I'm not. Wouldn't it be boring to know who I am? Then I wouldn't be a question to you anymore. Sleep well mosquito." I smiled one last time while activating a smoke bomb and disappearing into the night. I went into a public restroom and took of my hero costume. Back in my normal clothes I returned to my hobby house. Back into my base. Putting back my costume onte the mannequin. I immediately walked over to the computer watsching the news I missed. "Hey Tom I'm live here from an attempted bank robbery. The guy was arrested and the hostage was freed immediately from this new hero." it was me I was showed on screen. Well white knight was shown. "I am a knight brightening up the dark scary night. Just call me white knight." AHHHHHH it's even cooler then in my imagination. I ran around the room jumping and squeaking. I definitely will repeat this. And Clyde is mosquito? I thought noway. I wouldn't have guessed that he would be a super hero. I wonder who the others might be. I mean cartman and Clyde. What if the others are from my class too. Man that's crazy!

Mysterion pov.

"IMMA KILL HER! I WILL MAKE HER EAT HER PARENTS I SWEAR TO GOD! SHE EVEN KIDNAPPED ONE OF OUR PEOPLE!" Racoon screamed on the way back. "She's a hero she wouldn't have took him if he didn't grabbed her. She won't hurt him we can just try calling him." kite said. "HOW CAN I BE THE ONLY ONE BOTHERED BY THIS?!" Racoon kept on screaming. Kite just rolled his eyes and tried calling mosquito. "Uhm hey guys." we heard him awnser. "OMG MOSQUITO ARE U OKAY?!" tool shed asked.

Clyde pov.

I got a call from ky- kite. Oh this is not gonna be fun... "Uhm hey guys." I said. "OMG MOSQUITO ARE YOU OKAY?!" I heard tool shed yelling through the phone. "Yea calm down white night dropped me off at my house." I told them. "How did she knew where you live?" mysterion asked. I sighed "I accidentally told her.." I replyed ashamed. They gasped. " WHY WOULD U DO THIS?!" human kite screaming through the phone again. "I don't know either. It was so weird. When she looked into my eyes i just forgot about everything. You should have seen them! Then she asked me where she should drop me off and I just told her." I said. Damn that was cringey but her eyes really did smt to me." Omg you're so stupid mosquito." Racoon said. "Y'all need to stop beeing gay asses falling in love with every Hoe you lay your eyes on!". "I'M NOT I LOVE WITH HER FATASS." the Racoon is on my nerves since he ate all that candy. "Well see you guys tomorrow." I hung up. God what made me tell her the truth. I'm so stupid. I banged my head on the wall.

Y/n pov

I refilled my smoke bombs while watching the news over and over again. I think that's the best I ever did.

2547 words

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