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Rory's back straightens at the roughness in Eric's tone, and at this point, I'm fed up with him running his fucking mouth.

I leave My Little slut on the couch and go to the table of supplies to find the perfect object to use to shut him up.

His presence is needed here tonight but not his voice of opinion.

Removing the cap from a tube of flex seal, I apply it generously to a toothbrush (thanks, Nyx, for the idea) and move to where Eric is hanging.

"You've scared her for the last time," I say.

In the same manner that I've watched Rory apply her favorite cherry lip gloss a hundred times, I generously shellac the adhesive all over the dry outer surface of his lips and hold them together.

With Eric silenced, I begin the story.

"I've acquired skills that are very sought after by people searching the dark with particular needs.

Without further reaction from Rory, I continue.

"Your picture appeared in an auction for my services. Since I knew of you and your marriage to Eric, I bid triple the starting price and took the job. Eric contacted me the following morning, and the rest is history."

"Wha. What kind of auction?" Rory stutters, nervously biting on the corner of her lip.

I attempt to sit next to her, but as soon as I'm seated, she beelines for the other end of the couch.

"It was a kill order, and Eric posted it."

And with that, My Little slut is off the couch and darting to the sliding glass door and at the other side of the house.

"Stop right there," I say sternly, intercepting her in the hallway.

She halts briefly but ultimately defies me.

Her short legs move quickly but not quickly enough. By the strap of her top, I latch onto her and pull her back into my body.

Her soft curls slip through my fingers as I try to comfort her.

"I know this is a lot to consume, but you're doing so good, Little Slut."

"Now, get your ass back to the living room. The story is almost over."

Stoicly she stares at me like she's making a list of the pros and cons in her head, but I'm fucking done.

Rory practically weighs nothing and easily goes headfirst over my shoulder.

The palm of my hand smacks her ass twice roughly with no comforting caress after, like the last time.

I shift Rory off of my shoulder and onto my lap. Now we're face to face on the couch as she straddles me.

"I've been watching you since first accepting the bid," I say.

"Your surveillance system is crap and was easy enough to hack. During your hospital stay, I planted several more cameras in the interior."

"Where are they?" She asks while scanning around the room, not seeming the least bit surprised.

My hips thrust up to regain her attention.

"That's not important."

"But it is," she huffs.

"Why go through all these lengths just too fucking kill me?"

"You've had the opportunity to do so plenty of times."

My fingers dig deep into her waist. I don't want to hurt my little slut, but she needs to fucking listen.

"I don't want to kill you and never did. I took the bid so no one else would, and the cameras started as a precaution while I prepared my plans for Eric, then turned into an obsession."

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