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Watching as everything unfolds for My Little Slut is euphoric. Rory just found the latest picture I left her, and the terror emanating from her face is my aphrodisiac.

Her naked body is trembling, and in her clenched fist lies the crumpled-up picture. She has yet to drop it, and that notion makes my cock jump.

I'm about to whip it out and start jacking off, but I'm interrupted by the vexatious ring of my phone. If it weren't Judge Andrew's name flashing across the screen, I'd hit the fuck you button and be cumming all over a picture of Rory in minutes.

"Hello," I say roughly into the phone.

"Yes, um, it's me, Blake Andrews. Do you have any updates?"

"I know who you are. There's this handy dandy invention called caller ID," I respond.

Fuck I need to lose the attitude. Blake will never do what I'm asking if I continue acting like a dick.

"Sorry, man, you caught me at a bad time," I say.

"Ya, I have an update for you, and it's a good one, but how soon can you drop the order of protection?"

"I can have the papers signed and the order dropped within twenty-four hours," he responds.

"That's what I like to hear," I say.

"Your parents were vile people."

"They conceived twins through IVF but only wanted a male baby," I continued.

"After realizing one of the babies was a female, they auctioned her off in utero to the highest bidder."

The following words from the judge are a jumbled mess, and I can only make out the last few words when he says, " If they weren't dead already, I'd kill them myself."

"It appears that the family who purchased her died shortly after, and your sister spent eighteen years bouncing through the foster care system," I explained.

"Her name is Lydia, and once you drop the OP, I'll send over all her credentials." I spit out before ending the call.


It's been more than a day, and I haven't heard back from the good judge.

I'm becoming impatient. Waiting is no longer an option. It's time for me to make my next move.

Rory has barely left the closet since finding the picture.

She's petrified and in the perfect state of mind to play.

After I grab the few supplies I need, I head to the forest on My Little Sluts property and wait for the perfect time to pounce.

Orange and purple clouds begin to fill the sky as the sun sets when I receive the text I've been waiting for from the good Judge.

JA- It's done. I've dismissed the TOP and have contacted both parties' lawyers.

Damn fucking right!

"Let the games begin," I laugh maniacally before exiting the trees with my mask in tow.

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