Chapter 40

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Here's a long awaited update, I'll have the next chapter out as soon as I can.

Thank you guys again for being understanding and patient with me.

It means a lot.


Xander's POV: 

"Sweetheart, wake up for me okay. We have to start the day." the words could be heard in the back of my mind, they were slightly distant yet at the same time they sounded so close to me. Maybe I was still dreaming?

I snuggled closer to the warmth that was engulfing every inch of my body, it didn't feel like a duvet and I didn't feel the familiar plush feeling from a pillow under my head. The surface beneath me was soft yet firm, not hard in the sense that it hurt my head but that whatever it was felt strong. 

"Come on angel, open your eyes for daddy." 

There it was again, that voice that kept floating through my dream, I was dreaming right? My body urged to obey the command but I was so tired, why must the annoying voice disturb me now, disrupting my sleep but at the same time my body relaxed itself. It wanted to listen to the command, it wanted to but why, why was it trying to take me out of my comfort. 

O- It's your mate idiot. 

X- Oli? Why are you in my dream? 

O- I'm not in your dream, you're not even fully asleep. Matt's trying to wake you, it's almost 11 o'clock. 


"Come on baby, the day is wasting away." 

The voice that was apparently my mates sounded through my head again. I didn't want to wake up, I was happy to just lay here all day but spending time with my mates is what we came here to do. With a bit of help from Oli I managed to force my eyes open, little by little as they got used to the light in the room. When I could keep them open for long enough I saw my handsome mate baring down at me. Matt held me securely against his chest with his arms wrapped around me, I stared up at his handsome face that presented to me with so much love. 

"Good morning angel, did you sleep well?" His voice was low and quiet, the smooth circles he made on my back made my body shiver all over. 

"I did daddy, thank you." I said with a deep yawn. 

"Looks like someone's still tired huh?" he chuckled, placing a cast kiss on my lips and pulled me closer. 

"Mhm, I didn't think you both drinking from me would drain so much of my energy." 

"In all fairness it is your first time being drunk from, Alpha or not feeding will take some time to get used to." That made sense, considering both of them fed off me at the same time. 

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