Chapter 30

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

A long chapter this time, longer than I intended it to be but ey.

Vladimir's POV 

"Are you sure you'll be alright, I mean I'm sure Carden wouldn't mind holding the fort on his own for a while." I could hear his laughter through the phone as Carden eagerly protested to my idea. I looked up to see that I was closer to the borders of the Crimson Moon Pack. 

"Like I said ten times before you left this morning and twenty times more last night, I'll be fine. Carden will be with me." Idris tried to reason with me. "Xander needs someone there for him whilst the twins are out, he can't be left alone." 

"Yeah I know," I sighed, why did I always give in so easily. 

"Besides, when I was pregnant you were amazing at calming me down, he'll benefit from it." 

"Yeah you're probably right." I said as I remembered the year Idris was pregnant with the boys, he was a mess. 

"Of course I'm right," he chuckles, "okay I've got to go, I'll check in with you later." 

"Okay babe, I'll tell Xander you said hi." 

"Yes do, okay, I love you baby." I hear Idris sigh, I mumble an 'I love you too' before we both hang up the phone. 

I'm immediately recognised and let onto the grounds, finding my way towards the pack house. The architectural technique of Xander's people still amazed me, every building carved and structured to perfection. 

I made my way into the Alphas apartment and surveyed for Xander, the sounds of tape ripping brought me straight to the nursery. 

I looked around at the blue walls with stickers of clouds and teddy bears, the furniture white with floral designs, shelves with books, nappies and plush toys. And then in the middle of it all was a very pregnant Xander opening boxes of gifts no doubt from the rest of the pack. 

"I was told that you were supposed to be taking it easy, hunching over like that will kill your spine." I said, grabbing his attention. As soon as Xander's eyes met mine he lit up in a smile, getting up from his position on the floor and wrapping his arms around my neck as best as he could with his bump. 

"I missed you Vladimir." he mumbled into my neck as I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I missed you too little one. Come on, let's go watch a movie, I'll make some popcorn." I say as I lead him out of the nursery. 

"Can it be toffee popcorn?" he says innocently that makes my heart melt. 

"Of course it can, show me where you keep them." 

Two bowls of popcorn, along with some chewits later and myself and Xander are relaxing on the couch onto movie number two, kung fu panda, Xander had begged me to put it on. 

"I feel sorry for Matt and Damien." Xander says as he stares at the screen. 

My forehead creases, "What do you mean?" I ask. 

"They grew up as kids in the 1890s and early 1900s, they never got to grow up with cool movies like this." Xander snuggled into my side more as he heaved a sigh, he seemed really tired. 

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