🦇Extra 5🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Idris' POV:

1671 December 26th:
I sighed to myself as I sank into Vladimir's warmth, the most euphoric feeling coming from our entertwined hands.

I was sat on his lap with my back to his front in my parents lounge room. Vladimir and my parents were discussing training as usual, my father always wanting to know how we are getting on, he wants me to be strong like him when I'm older.

Vladimir seemed to be getting more comfortable with my parents now, I remember when he first met them he found them quite intimidating. Although I thought it was hilarious I could understand why, to those who don't know them my parents can come across quite stern and cold. They weren't bad people by any means, they just had a tough upbringing that molded their hard shell.

I smiled to myself as I felt Vladimir's hand rub slow circles on my tummy, gently easing me into his body more. It had been about a week since we mated and I couldn't stop thinking about it. The way Vladimir's face looked through thing, from his red cheeks to his whines, then to his desperate pleads. And his cock felt incredible, omg his was huge as he hit all the right places. I couldn't walk for a whole day.

I took a small peak up at him to see if he was reading my thoughts but thankfully he wasn't, he was still too engrossed in his conversation with my parents.

What I also couldn't forget was yesterday's ordeal, when I'd made my way out of English literature and was grabbed and shoved into a storage closet by Vladimir and what he did next still has my knees weak.


I was gathering my things up once my class had ended when I received a message from Vladimir.

I wanna see you now.

His voice sounded husky and needy which made me chuckle to myself, causing a few eyes to turn to me. With reddened cheeks I made my way out of the room and down the hallway. Vladimir didn't say where or when he wanted to see me, but I knew when he wanted me he'd come find me himself.

He somehow always knew where to find me, like he knew where I was at all times and waited for the right moment to come at me. Perhaps it was just a new mate thing, it had only been roughly a week since we sealed our bond and I have never felt better.

I suddenly felt a cold wind brush the back of my neck and I was yanked off of my feet. I was pushed into a storage room, the very same storage room that Vladimir and I had grown familiar with.

I turned around and saw my handsome mate staring down at me with lust in his eyes....damn he looked sexy.

He smirked slightly and walked closer to me. "Why thank you baby, I do try." he said smugly which caused me to scoff and lightly hit his chest. "We both know you don't try, your just effortlessly delicious."

I grabbed the back of his neck and slammed our lips together, sparks flying between us. He hummed against my lips and backed me against the wall, sliding his leg between mine.

I was hard in seconds as he continued to grind against me causing me to moan into his mouth. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night, about how you took care of me and made me feel so good." he whispered into my ear, I smiled and kissed his neck.

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