Chapter 2

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!


Xander's POV:

I stood there still again as their gazes continued to make me crumble. My head was a mess, I was standing in front of my mates, yet I couldn't move. I had been waiting my whole life to meet my mate, to feel the pull of our u mated bond, to feel the electricity of our skin touching. But now that they stood in front of me, I couldn't move.

There were two of them, I had two mates? It was very uncommon for people to have more than one mate, very few ever documented in history. And they were twins, which made this even more strange.

I watched as the smirks on their faces slowly formed into frowns, they didn't look pleased. But why, why did they look upset? The thought of them being upset made a small whimper come from my thought making me freeze.

Did I just whimper, me?

Yes, yes you did. My wolf Oli said to me, sounding just as stunned as I felt.

I hadn't prepared myself for that kind of reaction, it wasn't a reaction I'd ever committed before, not since I was a kid.

The gasps of shock could be heard from my pack members as they began to murmer amongst each other, confusion lacing every conversation. My mind began to race, I can't be acting like this, I'm an Alpha.

I turned around and ran off the stage, not stopping at the questions from my pack, or the yells from my mates as I made my way through the pack house again.

I reached my office and slammed the door behind me, pacing back and forth as I tried to wrap my head around what was going on.

I had two mates, who were male. I wasn't against having male mates, but I had only ever been attracted to women, why would goddess give me male mates?

Not to mention I was drooling over their bodies, and I whimpered in front of them and my entire pack.

Why was my body reacting like this, so different, so unusual, so...submissive.

I groaned when I heard a knock on the door. "Go away." I needed time, time to gather my thoughts.

But there was another knock, and another knock after that, my patience was wearing thin. I stormed over to the door and swung it open to see a very scared looking Simon.

"Oh for God's sake what is so fuc-." I bellowed but was cut off when those strong scents invaded my my air again, and looking past Simon I saw the very owners of those scents, my mates, who appeared to be very pissed off.  

"I'm sorry Xander, but they demanded I bring them to you. They are quite addemant about speaking to you now." he says lowly.

I felt bad for shouting at my Beta, he looked just as scared as I felt and yet I probably made him feel worse.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Simon, you can go, I'll sort this out."

"And what exactly do you mean by sorting out, do you plan on getting rid of us? How rude of you Alpha." the twin with the black hair spoke and I paled, that hadn't been my intention, actually I don't know what exactly I had planned to do.

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