Chapter 27

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for being gone for so long. I've had a lot on in life recently and just haven't had the time to write.

As I'm still busy the upcoming chapters will be random but I'll try not leave an update too long.

Thanks for your patience,
Oli's POV:

You need to stop stressing, your making our heart hammer. Xander grumbled at me as I paced his office. I don't see why your stressing so much its not like you haven't met them before.

I know but that was only for a few minutes, I've never spent an entire day with our mates before.

Today I was going to be spending the day with Matt and Damien, apparently they had something planned for me but they refused to say, they didn't even tell Xander.

What are you afraid they'll pin you to something and lavish you. He teased.

YES! What would I even do in that situation? - I don't understand how he's so calm about this, it's not like he was when he first met them.

Submit! I do it all the time. Plus you had no problem submitting to them when you first met, you were more willing than I was. - Like that was supposed to make me feel better.

That was because it was only a short greeting, their dominance is so overwhelming I don't know if I can handle it for hours on end without crumbling. - I wiped my hands on my jeans as I felt them become sweaty, I can't do this.

You can and you will. And don't worry about their dominance, you will crumble but in a good way. - He reassured me. And stop pacing, you'll leave streaks in the floor.

I stopped and took a deep breath, I was going to be fine. Matt and Damien were kind and loving aswell as incredibly intimidating. I just needed to trust them.

My ears picked up as I heard footsteps making there way towards the office, every step sending further waves of anxiety through my body.

Just relax, you'll be fine...HAVE FUN. - and like that he slipped back into our subconscious, meanie.

I watched as the door opened to reveal our mouth watering mates. They both were wearing hoodies and dark blue jeans, almost matching each others. Matt wore a white hoodie whilst Damien wore a dark navy one, the both of them wearing the same light blue jeans with white runners.

Their scents of coffee and wood carvings reached my nose and I took a deep breath of it, almost making my knees go weak.

"Hello Oli." they both said in unison as they smiled wide at me.

I could feel my cheeks heating up but try to push it down, I wasn't used to reacting like this around others. I never blushed.

"Hi." I managed out with a weak smile, my usually deep voice sounding a bit higher making my nervousness even more obvious.

"We could hear your heart hammering from downstairs, worrying about our day out?" Matt said as they both stalked over to me slowly.

I shifted on my feet as I tried to keep eye contact but their gaze made it impossible, I could already feel my knees weakening as soon as they were within inches from me. The minute their arms wrapped around me and held me close to them my body all but melted, their touch sending sparks throughout me as our bond soared.

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