Chapter 29

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Guys I just wanted to say thank you so much, Submissive Alpha has reached 100k reads.

With this book being deleted before I never thought I'd get back my views and for it to reach this type of milestone is so unreal.

Thank you guys so much.

Damien’s POV:

“Xander baby it’s okay, just calm down alright.” I say for what felt like the hundredth time today as I watched Xander move around our house ‘baby proofing’ everything in his path. He was roughly a week away from giving birth and he hadn’t stopped running around like a maniac trying to get rid of anything he deemed too dangerous for a baby.

At first I was okay with it as I know it’s just his hormones being all over the place but the more anxious he gets the more worried he’s making us. Even Matt is beginning to see how bad it is, he won’t let Xander out of his sight.

“No Damien it’s not okay, I have so much to do.” Xander huffed, I could feel the stress from him crashing through our bond making my own heart begin to race. “Can you help me with this last box?” I watched as he tried to bend down to pick up the last of many boxes of stuff for the nursery. I raced over and placed my hands over his just as he was about to lift the box. He lifted his eyes to me, slight annoyance swimming in his eyes that never failed to make him appear adorable in my eyes.

“I will help you with this box but I will be carrying it, no more lifting heavy weight sweetheart, I don’t want you hurting yourself.” I said in a final tone that had Xander submitting immediately, making me smile. “What do you say baby boy?” I asked when he didn’t answer, he squirmed under my gaze as he avoided my eyes. “I’m waiting.” A deep blush crawled up his cheeks as he finally looked up at me, his eyes still puffy from having cried about an hour ago.

“Okay daddy.” Oh how my heart all but melted at the sweet innocence that came from his voice, that little blush still remaining. I leaned over and connected our lips, savouring the sweet taste his lips always gave me. Xander moaned softly as I deepened the kiss, I let my hands slip from the box and instead wrapped them around Xander’s waist, hauling him into my lap. His belly made the position a little awkward but Xander easily melted in my embrace as we broke our lips apart. He panted softly as he rested his forehead against mine, all his energy seeming to suddenly drain from his body.

“Daddy?” Xander said softly as he opened his eyes slowly. 

“Yes baby?” He looked at me for a few moments before blushing again, taking his time to gather his thoughts that swam rapidly through his mind. 

“W-will you carry me to bed? I’ve become really tired all of a sudden.” To say my heart nearly melted at his completely adorable question would be an understatement. Goddess how did I get so lucky?

“My big, strong Alpha wants his daddy to take him to bed hmm?” I teased as I watched his cheeks explode, he whined softly and muttered a quiet yes before hiding his face in my neck making me chuckle, he was so easy to tease.

“Need some help there?” I heard to my left and looked over to see Matt with a smirk plastered on his face. “Yes actually, could you carry that last box up to the baby’s nursery while I carry our other baby to our bedroom?” I said as I stood up, gently holding Xander in my arms.

“Stop teasing daddy.” Xander whined into my neck as we slowly walked towards the other end of the house, Matt and I laughing before deciding to give our baby a rest. I walked into our room and lay Xander down in our bed and helped him under the covers, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead as I smiled down at him. “I’ll be right back sweetheart, just going to help Matt with the box okay? You get some rest.” Xander smiled tiredly up at me and nodded, snuggling into the covers.

“Love you daddy.” he whispered and my heart skipped a beat. 

“I love you too Xander.” I say before exiting the bedroom and walking into the nursery to see Matt unpacking the last box that held baby clothes, I’d lost count at this rate of how many Xander had ordered, a mixture of blues, greens and yellows for our little boy who’d be arriving any day now. The thought made me both extremely happy but at the same time very nervous, I’d never taken care of a baby before, fatherhood was such a complex and difficult thing that was so easy to fuck up. What if I were to fuck up, what if I end up raising him wrong, what if-

My mind stops rambling when I feel a hand on my shoulder making me look into the eyes of my brother who held a worried look. “Still having those thoughts about the baby?” he asks me and I can’t help but sigh. “This is a weird time for everyone, no ones ever fully prepared for fatherhood. We’ll make mistakes, learn from them and go from there. You just need to take it one step at a time.” I feel myself relax as Matt’s words sink in, he was always the voice of reason among the two of us and still never failed to tell me what I needed to hear.

“How do you do that?” I ask as I step closer to him.

“Do what?”

“Always knowing what to say, ever since we were kids you always knew how to make me feel better?” I smiled at him, feeling our bond tingle as he brought me in for a hug, holding me tight. I relax in his arms and feel him push his love into our bond, easing every muscle in my body.

“Because you're my twin, my brother, and because I love you Damien. I hate seeing you upset and if there’s ever anything I’m able to do to fix it then I gladly will, for both you and Xander, and soon our little boy too.” his arms held me firmly to him as we soaked in each other's warmth. I tried my hardest to hold back my own tears that threatened to fall, and thanked goddess instead for granting me the perfect mate, and the perfect brother.

"I love you Matt."

“I love you too Damien. Why don’t we go join Xander for a nap, we could all do with one.”

I release from his hold and nod, seeing him smile at me as I return it. Taking his hand and walking back into our room I stifle a gasp as I see Xander fast asleep with his arms slightly outstretched as if he was reaching for something. We both climb into bed and pull Xander into us, his head resting on Matt's chest as I hold him from behind, feeling him sink into our arms with a content sigh. Matt and I smile at each other as we snuggle into our mate, letting sleep overtake us.


Thanks again guys for reading and supporting my book.


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