Chapter 24

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Matt's POV:

I was currently in the pack Gardens with Xander, I had decided that he'd spent too much time indoors so a walk would do him good.

Damien wasn't with us as he was helping our father's with paperwork, but he said he'd be back by dinner. Not that that made it any easier on us or Xander for him leaving.

I held Xander's hand in my own as we walked through the grassy fields, the sun illuminating the buttercups that lay around us, it was beautiful.

I rubbed my thumb over Xander's hand, his skin feeling so smooth and soft, the ever familiar sparks shooting through my arm. As I stared at him I noticed his mind seemed elsewhere. He hadn't really been talking much since the kidnapping, he spoke to Damien and I more than anyone else but it still wasn't as much as before.

He'd say a few words through our link and he'd talk occasionally to his parents and ours but other than that he'd stay quiet, it really made my heart ache. I really wanted him to open up to us, to confide in us more about what happened. But at the same time I don't want to push him, he might mute himself more if we did that. It was just his way of dealing with everything that happened.

If anything, both his submissive side and dominant side were probably at war with each other. His dominant side telling him to keep everything in whilst his submissive side resulted in muting himself in order to deal with the pain.

The only time since the attack did he speak properly was when he made a speach to the entire pack, explaining the extent of what happened and that as a pack we needed to up our game to ensure it never happened again. Meaning more and new ways of training.

Although he was straight and direct as he usually was, his face was one I'd never seen before, it held such anger and disappointment.

He assured his members that it wasn't directed at them but it was mostly at himself, I could tell at that point he was blaming himself fully for what happened, as their Alpha he felt he had let them down. A few of our members had died that night.

Myself and Damien had to have a firm talk with him after that, it was not his fault. Heck no one saw the patterns of their attack until it was too late, by then no one could've done anything.

And on top of that he was now two months pregnant which could also be making him feel worse, his hormones were probably all over the place and the stress of what happened probably isn't helping.

The news of Xander's pregnancy shocked the pack to say the very least, not just that he was an Alpha but that he was.....well a he. No one objected however, all seeming happy that we'd be producing an eir soon.

I couldn't wait to be a dad. They'd be spoilt that was for sure and I just knew that my father's will melt over them, they always loved kids.

Despite the lack of verbal communication however he was far clingyer than he ever was. He hasn't left our side since we came back from the abandoned warehouse, anytime one of us would try to leave the room he'd whine and cling onto us. If we were walking around the pack house he'd hold at least one of our hands and refused to let go. If we were sitting down he'd be in one of our laps.

It was so adorable and it made my heart thump every time he'd whine or look at us pleadingly not to move, but at the same time it saddened me. Even letting Damien leave the pack for a few hours to help our father's was hard on Xander who tried so hard to get him to stay

He was afraid of us being taken from him again, he probably thought if we let him go he'd never see us again. But we'd never let anything happen to him, and we certainly weren't going anywhere.

As we came to a smooth path I noticed we were surrounded by the Omegas of the pack, all of them tending to the gardens, the flowerbeds and the vegetables. But not a single beta in sight, or anyone that wasn't of omega status.

"Baby?" I tried, seeing if he'd answer. To my luck he turned his head towards me, smiling slightly as his grib on my hand tightened but I didn't mind... I knew he was listening. "How come only Omegas are doing the gardening work? Like there isn't any other species out here doing it."

He took a second before he looked back up at me and snuggled himself into my side, I mentally cooed at him and held him tight.

Well... they do the job the best. Xander said through our link, his voice incredibly soft and sweet that it made my heart skip a beat.

Are other Alpha's or Beta's not good at it? I asked now a bit more intrigued than before.

Xander shook his head and stopped to think for a minute, he was talking more now than he had in days so I wasn't about to rush him.

Omegas are natural gardeners.....they have the ability to tender to plants and make them grow to their full potential. I smiled widely at him and nudged him to continue, which he did.

Last time any Alpha's or Beta's tried to tend to the flowers or vegetables the majority of the plants died and half of our members were in the pack hospital with food poisoning...

I stopped walking as I started chuckling, it all made more sense now. I see, so it's best to just leave it up to them, they know what's best?

He nodded but let out a soft giggle making my heart melt. He seemed a bit more relaxed than he was earlier as the pack house came back into view.

"Come on sweetheart, let's go take a nap." I said noticing his eyes drooping slightly. He nodded and walked up the steps with me, still holding my hand.

The biggest smile lay on my lips as I stared at my beautiful mate. By now his bruises had well healed and his handsome features came through. My mouth watered staring at him but I didn't want to make any move on him tonight, just wanting to spend the quality time together.

As he made his way towards the stairs I saw Damien walk down the hallway towards us.

"Look who's back sweetheart." I say as Xander turns around. His face lit up as he ran to Damien and lept into his arms.

"Ha ha hello to you too baby boy. Did you miss me that much?" Damien chuckled as he held Xander tightly to him. I looked at Xander softly and gave Damien a smile. He looked wrecked from the long journey back, our father's must've had a lot more work for him to do then we thought.

Yes daddy.

Damien and I looked at each other and smirked. Okay maybe we would have some fun tonight if Xander let's us.

Damien picked Xander up and the two of us started walking towards the stairs. "Oh pumpkin, I think that nap can wait a little while don't you think?" Damien teased as his hand rested on Xander's ass, squeezing a little. Xander moaned softly into Damien's neck, his cheeks lighting up.

Although his face looked hesitant his thoughts spoke volumes, and we hurried up to our room.

I had a feeling Xander's lack of speech was going to be broken by the end of the night.



So new chapter, what did we think?

Hope you guys enjoyed,


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