🦇Extra 4🦇

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

If anyone is a bit confused by the ages in which Vampires can mate I'd suggest going back to the previous extras, particularly extra 1 and 2 as I've explained it in full there.


Idris' POV:

1671 December 20th.

I was sat in the armchair in my room quietly awaiting for Vladimir's arrival, my knee bouncing with glee.

Today was Vladimir's 22nd birthday, it was not only a milestone as a vampire but it also meant that we could finally mate each other.

As Vampires we usually have to wait until our mate has reached 50 if we ourselves are above that, but since Vladimir and I are both in our 20s we are able to complete the mating process as soon as he turns 22 as I am already 24.

Which was today.

He was at his parents house having a celebration with his family, but he'd be here tonight.....in about an hour to be exact.

I was extatic, my body was buzzing with the knowledge that I'd be claiming my mate tonight, that Vladimir would be mine and mine only.

It was 3am, my room was lit up with candles that complimented the warm colours of the room.

I had my bed made up and ready, new sheets fitted ready for my mate.

Twenty minutes remained as I stared out my window. The moon lit up the garden, the snow that fell from outside illuminated.

Ten minutes remained as I paced my room, tying my long hair back in a messy bun.

What would Vladimir be wearing tonight? Not that he'll be wearing his clothes for long but...... I'd say he looks as handsome as ever right now, and yet his family had him all to themselves.

The ticking from the clock filled the silence of the room as I waited, he'd be here any minute now.

My ears picked up as I heard footsteps approaching my room, slow but steady. The door opened slowly as Vladimir stepped inside, a gentle smile on his face.

My breath was taken as I looked at him, he stood tall and confident but as soon as his eyes landed on mine he visibly melted.

"Happy birthday baby." I said as I made my way over to him, my arms reaching around his back and pulling him into me.

"Thank you, I couldn't wait for tonight." he said as he leaned his for head against mine. I stared longingly into his eyes, my heart skipping a beat as reality set in. Tonight we'd become one with each other, our souls bound for the rest of our lives. We smiled at each other lovingly, enjoying each other embrace as we swayed.

"I'm gonna make you mine tonight." I whispered as I backed him up towards the bed, pushing him down gently. "I wanna be yours Idris, I want us to be wrapped in each others arms for all eternity." he replied as his body sank into the sheets.

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