Chapter 20

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Hey guys.
So I know I said I wasn't going to post a chapter this week after what happened but I felt too bad after leaving you guys on a cliffhanger last week so....

... here you go...



Xander's POV:

My body felt heavy, really heavy. Like it was being held down by a tone of weights. 

There was an insane throbbing in my head, like as if my head were about to expload. What the fuck was wrong with me? 

As I began to regain some consciousness I tried to move but I couldn't, no matter how much I tried I couldn't move an inch. 

Not only that but it was insanely hot in here, like as if I were inside an oven. Was I near an oven? 

Xander, Goddess are you okay? 

The Oli's deep voice startled me. 

Yeah I'm fine, what the hell happened? 

I don't know, all I remember is us being hit on the head and everything went black. But I can smell Rogues, lot's of Rogues. 

Yeah same I can smell them too. 

My eyes cracked open for the first time but all I saw was darkness. Even with Oli's eyes glowing it was almost impossible to make anything out, if there was anything here to make out that is. 

Attempting to move again I realised I was tied up. My hands seemed to be tied tightly by some kind of rope, the material digging into my skin painfully everytime I tried to loosen it. My ankles were tied as well, both my arms and legs being spread wide by the rope.

My muscles strained painfully against the ropes pull as nothing I did seemed to help my current state. 

My ears perked up as I heard heavy boots approaching, getting louder and louder. 

I'm getting a strong stench of Rogue, it smells like there's loads coming our way. Oli commented. Now that he mentioned it, those footsteps suddenly sounded like dozens. 

We'll be okay. We're Alpha's, have a little faith. 

I'd have more faith if it weren't for us being tied up. 

I rolled my eyes but kept my ears trained on the footsteps that had now all come to a halt. A little light peeked it's way through the gap of the door as bodies started piling in, little spots of red spreading throughout the dark room. 

The room lit up as lights all around began turning on, my eyes burned slightly at the intensity. 

Once adjusted, my eyes fixed on the crowd in front of me. Rogues of all shapes and sizes stood around the room, filling up the space. Their red eyes bore into mine, scanning my body and position. 

Some of them smirked, clearly amused by my current state. Some though looked either on edge or scared, they seemed to be the only ones with some common sense. 

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