Chapter 13

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

There were papers upon papers scattered on the table in front of me.

I had been working on my packs paperwork for the past two hours.

My mates parents had been catching up on their own covens work, Vladimir was working on documents related to rogue attacks outside their coven boarders.

Rogue attacks had increased tremendously over the past few months which had not only been a worry for Vlad and Idris but my pack as well.

Idris was working on recent trading with smaller covens. Being the most powerful vampire coven they always helped out when other less advantaged coven were struggling.

My ass still hurt a little as I sat on the couch inside Vladimir and Idris' office in their covens main house.

Their office was dark with old victorian architecture and furniture, much like the rest of the house. Goddess knows how old their home is, how old their coven is, how old they are.

After my punishment I had woken up in the room that my mates and I were sharing. Vlad and Idris had been sitting at the end of the bed and Matt and Damien were changing.

I vaguely remember slipping into subspace afterwards. Though I'm still getting used to it I still don't remember much, the more often it happens however the more I'll start to remember.

I had apparently slept through the whole night and by morning my mates told me they were heading back to my pack as their belongings were arriving. Since we were sleeping in the same room and in the same bed together now we had to move to a bigger room, so today they were going back to put their stuff in order.

I had thought that I'd be going back with them but they told me to stay here till they get back.

They said I needed some special bonding time with their dad's and I guess that was going to be today.

When they had left, Vlad and Idris had taken my hands and brought me to their study where I was now.

I was slowly starting to get used to their codling of me, I actually was really liking it.

The feeling I got being with my mates would never match with their dad's obviously, but they still gave me such a strong feeling of comfort and coziness that I couldn't help but love.

I looked over at them as they started putting away their work, seemingly done for the day.

Vlad then turned to me and gave me a warm smile that made me blush, causing him to chuckle.

"Come here Xander, you've done enough work for today sweetheart." Vlad said as he opened his arms for me.

A gave a small smile as I stood up from the couch and walked over to them as I slid onto Vladimir's lap. My legs lay across his thighs as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me further into him.

I rested my head on his chest as I listened to his heart beating, causing me to relax immediately and melt into his touch.

Although I myself am a big and very muscular man, I can't help but feel so small when I'm with my mates or their dad's. Like I was so fragile and needed their protection.

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