Chapter 9

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

Xander's POV:

Today we were in Matts car on our way to the peace treaty at the Vampire coven.

I was sitting in the backseat and my mates were in the front.

I was happy that my mates were coming with me, as I hate being separated from them now.

Although we aren't mated yet, I still feel the pull on our unmated bond whenever we are far apart. It feels as if a heavy wait rests on my chest, and the only thing that will lift it is the presence and touch of my mates.

Though I was also a bit worried. I'm an Alpha, a strong dominant leader, I always have been. By attending the treaty with my mates means that my dominance will be tested.

Matt and Damien expect submission from me, to be dependent on them.

But in the presence of so many dominant leaders from strong Packs and covens. How was I going to be perceived by all who know me as a strong, dominant leader?

"Your head is swimming with so many thoughts isn't it baby boy?" Damien said giving me a soft look. "Tell your daddies how you feel." 

"You guys can already hear what I feel." I argued but a pitiful look from Damien makes me crumble.

"I-I just don't want the other leaders to think less of me if I act submissive around them." I said sadly, fiddling with my fingers. 

Damien reached back and took my hands making me look at him. "I promise you baby that know one will think any less of you. Some may be a little shocked, but you won't be judged." I looked at him with hesitation, still not fully believing it. 

"Your not the first dominant to turn submissive once finding their mate, and you won't be the last. It may not be common angel but it's not something you should ever be ashamed of." Matt said, keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Besides they will know that your still a strong dominant Alpha, if anyone thought you weren't fit for the position you wouldn't be Alpha. We promise you no one is going to think any less of you."

I nodded and looked down. I heard movement and saw Damien take off his seat belt and dive into the back of the car next to me.

Once situated, he took my seat belt off and pulled me into his lap sideways. I looked up into his eyes as he began to rock me back and forth in a comforting motion. 

I loved when they held me, I always felt so safe.

"We want you to feel comfortable with submission, and the treaty is the perfect opportunity for you to get used to being submissive in front of others." Damien said as he combed his fingers in my hair, making me sink into his arms.

I was surrounded by warmth and comfort as I began to feel like I was floating, everything around me was blocked out as my focus was on daddy. 

I could tell that Oli was enjoying the comfort too as I heard him purr inside me, an image of him curling up on his back with his tummy exposed. 

Daddy smiled down at me as he said something to my other daddy who was still driving, saying something about space. 

"Such a good boy for us baby, you like being held by your daddy don't you?" daddy said. I smiled up at him as I snuggled into him more, feeling myself getting tired. 

"Aww our boy is tired Matt." daddy said. "Sleep little one, I've got you."

With that I felt my eyes close, snuggling into my daddies chest as sleep consumed me. 


Matt's POV:

I parked the car inside the private car park of our old coven as I looked back at my twin holding our sleeping mate. 

I stared at Xander in awe, wishing I hadn't been driving when it happened. This was Xander's first time slipping into subspace or a sub head space. It was our goal to get him into a state of submission where he'd need to rely mostly on us but not once did we think it would happen this quickly. 

Even though Xander was a big man with huge muscles, in this state he looked so small and fragile. 

"He's so precious, isn't he?" Damien said as he continued to rock our angel as he was snuggled into Damien's chest. 

I climbed into the back quietly as I sat next to Damien. He leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder, gazing down at our mate fondly. 

I smiled down at him fondly. 

"We better head inside before papa and dad send a search party after us." I said as he nodded in agreement. I got out of the car as the servants already arrived ready to take our luggage to our shared room. 

Damien stepped out of the car with Xander still asleep in his arms as we walked towards an ever so familiar mansion. 

Making it into the main hall, we heard quick footsteps coming our way, we knew exactly who they belonged to. 

We turned and saw our Papa Vladimir and our Dad Idris make their way over to us with smiles on their faces, giving us both a hug and kiss on the forehead. 

Our fathers have always been effectionate with us, which is probably where we got our effectionate side towards Xander from. 

They then looked at Xander's sleeping form in Damien's arms and smiled widly at the sight. 

"Is this your mate boys, oh he's perfect." our dad Idris says with tears forming in his eyes. 

"Yes dad, this is Xander." Damien said as he looked down at Xander with adoration. 

"He slipped for the first time in the car on the way here, that's why he's sleeping." I said. When a person slips into subspace for the first time, it can take a lot out of them. Considering Xander's an Alpha, it took so much out of him that he fell asleep. Well that and the fact that he was being cuddled by Damien. 

"Did he really, omg he's so cute. I can't wait to get to know my future son in law. Isn't he so sweet?" my dad gushes to our papa who nods and smiles at Xander. 

We had known that Xander was our mate after his pack and our coven had run into each other whilst training in the woods about a month ago. 

Before he and the Pack had taken off we caught a whiff of his scent, honeycomb, and knew strait away that he was our mate. He must've been too focused on training to take time to catch our scent, otherwise we would've met sooner. 

When we found out we told our father's who advised us to join his pack, that way we'd be with him all the time. 

"You'll be able to talk to him once he wakes up, we'll let you know when he does." I said as me and Damien made our way to our room after biding our father's a goodnight. 

Once inside our room we dicided it was best to leave unpacking till tomorrow morning, the treaty meeting wasn't until late afternoon anyway. 

Damien lay Xander in the middle of our queen's size bed, whimpering in his sleep from no longer being in his daddies arms. 

Damien shushed him until he calmed again. 

We both stripped of our clothes till we were left in our underwear. Then we proceeded to take off Xander's clothes, leaving him in his underwear also. 

We got in on either side of Xander as he cuddled into Damien's chest and I spooned him from behind. 

With a kiss to his head and lips we snuggled in to sleep. 

"Goodnight our baby boy." 

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