Chapter 21 p1

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NOTICE: This is a fictional story, nothing about this story is real. Any depictions of mature content is merely fictional. If this story is not for you then don't read it.

Please reframe from comparing the themes or any actions displayed by the characters as real life because they ARE NOT REAL.

I shouldn't have to make this but there you go, it's fiction and not real life...

Thank you and enjoy!

This chapter contains some scenes of light torture that some may find difficult to read.

Damien's POV:

Two days I've stood in front of that rodent. Two days I've watched him smirk at me when I ask questions then beg when the torture began. Two days we've gone without answers, still no closer to finding Xander.

My patience was wearing thin along with my emotions. I'd spent almost every hour of the past two days down here in the dungeons trying to get some kind of answers. I appeared angry, strong and determined to find my beloved mate, but in reality I was breaking.

In the hours when I wasn't torturing the rogue for answers he wasn't planning to give us, I'd spent the rest weeping in Matt's arms. The pain of our mate being so far from our touch was unbearable and it was slowly destroying me inside.

I knew it was crushing Matt inside too but he was always better at keeping his emotions in, though it was probably only a matter of time before he too broke.

Myself and Matt were in our room, my head on his chest whilst he ran his hand up and down my back in an attempt to sooth my sorrows, but it didn't.

His scent was everywhere, all over the sheets, the furniture and bathroom. We were drowning in it and it wasn't doing us any favours as it only made the pain worse.

"We'll find him, even if I have to practically decapitate that mutt to do it we'll find him. We'll bring Xander home." Matt murmured in an attempt to reassure me for the hundredth time today.

Although his words were strong and determined his voice was weak and strained with pain. I wasn't stupid, I know he's in as much agony as I am but he's trying to be strong for the both of us and for the moment I'll let him.

"I hope so." my voice cracked as tears began to fall down my cheeks again. He pulled me closer to him as I let my tears fall onto his chest.

I could hear footsteps coming closer to our room, no doubt they were our father's. They had refused to leave, helping alongside us and Xander's parents in an effort to get any information.

Myself and Matt rotated interrogating the rogue with our fathers, so by now it would be our turn to go back down.

Just then the door opened and our fathers walked in.

"How are you doing honey?" dad asks as he sits on the side of the bed next to Matt and I.

"Fine." I answered quietly but he could see right through me.

He reached over and pressed a kiss to my cheek, rubbing my head softly.

"Any new developments?" Matt asked.

"No not yet. Your father and I have tried everything but he won't budge."

We all stood there for what felt like ages, none of us muttering a word. The sadness in my heart mixed with a burning rage, I was going to find him.

I rose from Matt's chest and got off the bed. Matt followed suit, grabbing hold of my hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"We'll join you both." papa said, the first time he'd spoken since entering the room.

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