drama begins

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        With sleepy mind and half opening eyes...Abhi entered his house...he was hoping to directly go to his room and hit the bed...that much tired and sleepy he was..but as usual his poor luck...

       He was about to go upstairs...mahima called him from behind...

           "Abhimanyu why are you coming home so late and where have you been since afternoon and not even receiving our phone?? being a doctor how can you be this much irresponsible ??" Mahima said to him in her usual tone..

         " Taiji please right now I am not in mood of any conversation..can we please talk tomorrow " saying this he again started going..

       " Seriously Abhimanyu...manjari look at your son..do you even have any idea how he made me feel so insulted today..he took half day leave without informing me..a big business man was waiting for him and your dearest son didn't picked up my phone and was busy on roaming on his bike..I thought he must have went with ruhi...but ruhi was in home...then ask him where was he..till this much late??"" Mahima tried to instigate manjari...

    " Yes beta where were you if you were not in hospital and not even came home..ruhi was waiting for you...she wanted to go outside and have icecream and was calling you but you didn't picked your phone..and she slept while being angry... didn't even had dinner properly " manjari said to Abhi..

     After listening this Abhi's whole sleep and tiredness vanished..and he busted..

    " Really ma?? really?? are you serious?? you are saying me if I will not at home or will not available then ruhi will not get even icecream..it means when I was away for whole month..you guys didn't gave her anything which she wanted to have as a child..are you guys serious?? where is her mom?? where is she??" Abhi fumed and called out Arohi..
     Arohi came running from other side of the hall..after listening his furious voice...it's been ages birla house had heard that tone...

    " Abhimanyu what happened?? why are you shouting like this??" Arohi tried to hide her fear and act normal...

  " Oh really?? I am shouting?? trust me I have not started yet...where you were when ruhi wanted to go out and have icecream..?? why you didn't took her out?? In what work you were busy in doing that you didn't cared about her..?? she is your daughter.. should I remind you that??" Abhi lashed out at her..

    " Abhimanyu it's you who always take her on outing..so I thought you will come and take her.." arohi tried to defend herself..

    " But I was not there right?? it means if I will not be here..you will keep her deprive of everything?? just because I love her and pamper her ...it means you don't have any responsibility towards your own daughter?? ruhi will not get anything in my absence?? if there is some emergency condition then also..you guys will keep waiting for me to come and handle it?? How ridiculous and stupid is this...?? will you care to explain it to me.." Abhi was in no mood to listen anything...

        Everyone got scared to see Abhi like that... because they had not seen him like that in last 6 years..

     " Abhi beta what happened to you?? why are you saying all this?? you had never reacted like this in last 6 years...then suddenly why are you behaving like this ??" Manjari tried to ask him..

             " Ma...I was silently going to my room..but your dearest sister could not see it...she was the one who stopped me and forced me to say all of this...and trust me I have not even started yet.." Abhi retaliate...

   " Really Abhimanyu?? Manjari see how your son is talking to me..first because of him I got insulted in the hospital and now he is insulting me in the home also..it's disgusting...tell your son to control his words or else..." Mahima also gave it back...

First Meet- abhimanyu and abhirTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon